- grinding of terrazzo 水磨石磨光
- He was sick of the grind of this thing. 这事真折磨人,他已经受够了。
- I hate the daily grind of the housework. 我很讨厌单调的日常家务。
- The grind of the oats will be an all day affair. 磨这些燕麦需要干一整天。
- He was dismissed on ground of negligence. 他因渎职而遭解雇。
- He was dismissed on the ground of negligence. 他因渎职而遭解雇。
- There are several different grinds of coffee. 有好几种不同等级的磨好的咖啡。
- No plea can be set up on the ground of ignorance. 以无知为理由而提出的抗辩是不能成立的。
- A ground of white paint under the mural. 壁画下面的白色底子
- This paper introduces construction technology of art terrazzo and measures to improve quality of terrazzo floor by process control. 介绍美术水磨石地面施工技术,及通过过程控制提高水磨石地面质量的措施。
- They split up on the ground of incompatibility. 他们以感情不合为由分手。
- The ground of this reasoning is not reliable. 这个推理的根据不可信。
- He is retiring on the ground of health. 他将以健康状况为由引退。
- The ground of an electrical circuit. 地线,接地电路的地线
- Your ground of argument is not very persuasible. 你的论据不太有说服力。
- The cat has left her loose hairs all over the ground of the house. 猫身上脱落的毛在屋子里洒得满地都是。
- Through the daily grind of working long hours for too little pay. 每天长时间地干着枯燥的活,收入却很低。
- In his Terrazzo series, Wang presents on the canvas different types of terrazzo as they are in reality.It is more the transferring of the “object” than depicting something on the canvas. 在“水磨石”系列里,王光乐在画布上直接再现“水磨石”,这与其说是一种描绘,毋如说是一种“物”的直接转移。
- Windowsillxia dian angle of terrazzo, embossed flowers and birds.yan zhu zhu chu for Lotusfu pen column for the logs, the volume has brakes, side angle up, four brackets are true Aung Shop for. 窗台下垫角为水磨石,浮雕花鸟。檐柱柱础为覆盆莲花,柱为圆木,上有卷刹,侧角升起,斗拱为真昂四铺作。
- I am sure that the honor has been solely on the ground of personal. 我深信此次升迁完全是您勤奋的结果。