- The ground falls away from the highest point. 地势从最高处坡度很陡地倾斜下去。
- A lot of leaves have on the ground fallen. 地上落了很多叶子。
- The ground falls towards the river. 地面向河边倾斜。
- The ground falls towords the river. 那土地向河边倾斜。
- The ground falls away abruptly to the right. 右边的地势陡降。
- The ground falls towards the river . 地面向河边倾斜。
- EQUIP YOURSELF:Get a big, cush pad, and replace it when it packs out. Though bouldering means short heights, every fall is a ground fall. 用好的装备。帮你自己一个忙,买大一点的抱石垫,如果他已经老化了,记得要立刻更换。虽然抱石的高度不高,但是每一次坠落还是会摔到地面的!
- Just behind the building the ground falls away very steeply. 建筑物后面的那块地地势倾斜。
- Onto the ground fell a large number of fresh, green pumpkin stems. 地上掉的是大量新鲜、绿色的南瓜蔓。
- But they say the agency, instead of compensating them when prices on the ground fall as is happening now, has been investing in projects that unions never approved. 但是他们说代理处不是给他们提供补偿现在所发生的价格狂落的时候,而是不断投资那些协会并没有同意的工程。
- Gob upper ground fall to be used by coal-stone stowed,cover soil on the surface,can be for used building,or cultivate fishs in the gob upper ground fall formed low-lying land. 用矸石充填采空区造成的地面下沉塌陷区,然后用塌陷区内的耕土覆盖,建成复田或在回填地基上盖楼房,或综合治理将塌陷区水域养鱼、栽藕,取得较好的经济效益。
- Between two stools you fall to the ground. [谚]脚踏两条船,两头要落空。
- That is, he had lain down where the ground fell sharply away below the triple belt of wire and shouted up at the rock and earth parapet. 那是说,他伏在三重铁丝网下陡峭地朝下削的地方,抬头朝着石块和土坯垒成的胸墙大声呼喊。
- That is, he had lain down where the ground fell sharply away below the triple belt of wire and shouted up at the rock and earth parapet . 那是说,他伏在三重铁丝网下陡峭地朝下削的地方,抬头朝着石块和土坯垒成的胸墙大声呼喊。
- The fox went to ground under a rocky escarpment. 狐狸钻进了石崖下面的洞里。
- The ground was covered with ferns. 地面上长满了羊齿植物。
- He lifted a pail of water from the ground. 他把一桶水从地上提了起来。
- Rachel who died last week was still above ground. 雷切尔上星期去世,现在还没安葬。
- This car really comes into its own on rough ground. 这辆汽车在颠簸的路上才真正显示出它独特的性能。
- They put some wreathes on the ground. 他们把一些花环放在地上。