- ground fire pump adapter 地上式消防水泵接合器
- Fire extinguishing pump discussion and several questions in fire pump adapter design 消防泵的探讨和消防水泵接合器设计中的几个问题
- fire pump adapter 消防水泵接合器
- underground fire pump adapter 地下式消防水泵接合器
- wall fire pump adapter 墙式水泵接合器
- Carry out fire pump weekly test. 按计划实施消防水泵每周测试。
- The helicopter ducked and dived to avoid potential ground fire. 直升机忽上忽下,躲避着可能的地面火力。
- Remote control test for fire pump and emergency fire pump. 消防泵、应急消防泵遥控操作试验。
- The tightness test of inlet valve for emergency fire pump. 应急消防泵进水阀密性试验。
- About five kilometers east of the Hengchun city wall is Chuhuo, famous for its ground fire. 离恒春城东约五公里的出火也是著名景点。
- Operation test of remote control device for fire pump and emergency fire pump. 消防泵、应急消防泵遥控装置操作试验。
- Naval aviator and AVG "Flying Tiger" Flight Leader: Captain Moot would be shot down on January 8, 1942 by ground fire while attacking a Japanese airfield in Thailand. 海军飞行员和美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)领航员:莫特上校是在1942年1月8日当他进攻日本在泰国的一个机场时,被地面炮火击落的。
- The it may be said of Zhan Jiang city nowadays is agriculture machinery changes heat to rise, laterite ground fire rises, common people is rich rise. 如今的湛江市可谓是农机化热起来,红土地火起来,老百姓富起来。
- Despite the risk from old-fashioned ground fire, particularly in narrow valleys, a ride in a chopper is still better than land travel on ambush-ridden or non-existent roads. 尽管存在着来自传统地面火力的威胁(尤其是在狭窄的峡谷里),乘坐直升机依然要比在暗藏伏击或者根本不存在的道路上行进更好。
- The artillery corps, equipped basically with artillery for suppression and anti-tank purposes, and missiles for antitank and other operational-tactical purposes, carries out ground fire strikes. 炮兵以各种压制火炮、反坦克火炮、反坦克导弹和战役战术导弹为基本装备,遂行地面火力突击任务。
- Tangent pump, a set specially adapted for fire system has been available in market attendant with the execution of the national standard of fire pump. 在消防泵国家标准实施的今天,消防专用泵??切线泵已经问世。
- Pump adapter setting in tall buildings 高层民用建筑中水泵结合器的设置
- USCG official suggests, the function that place of each ship company belongs to shipping to should undertake lash-up fire pump by oneself experiments. USCG官员建议,各船公司所属船舶应自行进行一次应急消防泵的性能试验。
- Autobot Camshaft is the perfect scout to call on when you need someone to hit the ground firing. 当你需要一名凌空射击手时,传动轴是最好不过的选择了。