- Your company has laid the ground work for some incredible high-tech advances. 你们公司为一些惊人的高技术的进步打下了基础。
- Their observations laid the ground work for our present understanding of the universe. 他们的观测给我们现代对宇宙的了解打下了基
- Aim at the pertinence ground work well the last information in net resources navigate, organizes with make use of. 有针对性地做好网上信息资源的导航、组织和利用。
- As he struck the wall, pieces of stucco similar to that used in the ground work of arabesques broke off, and fell to the ground in flakes, exposing a large white stone. 洞壁上掉下来一块象阿拉伯式雕刻衬底用的那种涂料,跌在地上碎成了片片,露出了一块白色的大石块来。
- To cut costs KLM, a Dutch carrier, has asked its pilots to volunteer for ground work, such as handling bags and hospitality. 为了削减成本,荷兰运营商荷航(KLM),已要求其飞行员志愿到地面工作,如处理包裹和食宿招待。
- This paper introduces detonator blasting method to assess the machanism of concrete strength, and discusses the applicable possibility in underground and ground works. 探讨了用雷管爆炸的方法评估混凝土强度的原理和在矿山地下工程和地面建筑工程中应用的可能性。
- The Dachshund is clever, lively and courageous to the point of rashness, persevering in above and below ground work, with all the senses well-developed. 腊肠犬是机灵、活泼、勇敢、有点轻率,在地面或地下工作时不屈不挠,所有的感官都非常发达。
- Apart from the ground works, foundations and service connections, the entire flat is pre-fabricated in the factory and can be craned into position in minutes, minimising site operation times. 除了地面工作,地基和服务的连接,整个片板是为工厂预制的,而且可以在几分钟内用起重机刁至确定位置,大大减少了现场运作时间。
- The first reported experiments were done in the late 18th century, but it really took off in the mid 19th century with people like the famous Joule who did the ground work experiments for the discovery of the first law. 最早发表的报告是在18世纪末期,不过真正的起飞是在19世纪中叶,由焦耳等著名人物为第一定律的发现做了奠基性的实验工作。
- S.Agency for International Development said investments to prevent an avian flu epidemic help play helped lay the ground work groundwork for the quicker quick response to the A H1N1 virus. 美国国际开发署的流行病问题特别顾问丹尼斯.;卡罗尔说,在预防禽流感方面的投资打下了基础,有助于对H1N1病毒作出迅速反应。
- The fox went to ground under a rocky escarpment. 狐狸钻进了石崖下面的洞里。
- Choosing the top angle of apron in accordance with the center height together would satisfy the ellipse degree and the prism degree accuracy of the grinding works. 工件中心高对其“棱圆度”和“椭圆度”的影响不一致,选择不同的托板顶角可以在降低中心高的同时,保证对工件“椭圆度”的影响程度,以使中心高度值较低时,满足工件“棱圆度”和“椭圆度”的要求。
- In his presence, even the most battle-scarred and cynical of politicians seem to feel they are wafted to the high ground wrought by Mr.Mandela's 27 years in prison. 只要曼德拉在场,即便是身经百战和最愤世嫉俗的政治家,都因能和一个在监牢中坚持不懈奋斗27年的英雄同场而感到荣幸。
- The ground was covered with ferns. 地面上长满了羊齿植物。
- He lifted a pail of water from the ground. 他把一桶水从地上提了起来。
- Rachel who died last week was still above ground. 雷切尔上星期去世,现在还没安葬。
- This car really comes into its own on rough ground. 这辆汽车在颠簸的路上才真正显示出它独特的性能。
- They put some wreathes on the ground. 他们把一些花环放在地上。
- Use: Suitable for dehydrating and drying after meatal spare parts are grinded or dipped in oil.Water or anti-rust liquid. A machine necessary for dehydratior electroplating works and grinding works. 适用于各种金属零件,经研磨油洗水洗或浸防锈液后之脱水烘干用各电镀厂及研磨加工厂,烘干用必备机器。
- The ground was ploughed and planted with corn. 地翻耕后种上了玉米。