- Describes the unit test type of the Team System testing tools. 介绍Team System testing tools的单元测试类型。
- Team System testing tools will not execute an empty test run. Team System testing tools不执行空测试运行。
- The Team System testing tools sometimes require confirmation or guidance. 中所述,Team System testing tools有时需要您的确认或指导。
- Create a test via a test type and manage it in Visual Studio Team System. 通过测试类型创建测试,并在Visual Studio Team System中对其进行管理。
- Team Foundation Core Services enable third parties to extend Team System. Team Foundation Core Services允许第三方扩展Team System。
- Team System testing tools provides several options for running load tests. Team System testing tools提供了若干运行负载测试的选项。
- Help us provide you with the best Visual Studio Team System content. 请协助我们向您提供最佳的Visual Studio Team System内容。
- To do this, you use an attribute provided by the Team System testing tools to start ASP.NET Development Server. 为此;可以使用Team System testing tools提供的属性来启动ASP.;NET Development Server。
- Visual Studio Team System Database Edition provides a set of predefined test conditions for you to use. Visual Studio Team System Database Edition提供了一组预定义的测试条件,供您使用。
- Visual Studio Team System includes an additional property page for Code Analysis. Visual Studio Team System中包括用于代码分析的附加属性页。
- Describes how to run tests and test projects from Team System testing tools windows and from files in your solution. 介绍如何从Team System testing tools窗口以及从解决方案的文件中运行测试和测试项目。
- Describes how to select or check tests using the Team System testing tools windows. 描述如何使用Team System testing tools窗口选择或检查测试。
- Describes how to use the Team System testing tools to create a manual test in text format or Microsoft Word format. 阐述如何使用Team System testing tools以文本格式或Microsoft Word格式创建手动测试。
- Other Visual Studio Team System servers include build computers and Team Edition for Testers test rig servers. 其他Visual Studio Team System服务器包括生成服务器和Team Edition for Testers测试远程测试机组(Rig)服务器。
- The path must be accessible to the SQL Server and the client that is running Visual Studio Team System Test Edition. SQL Server和运行Visual Studio Team System Test Edition的客户端必须能够访问该路径。
- In this case, Visual Studio Team System will unite the capabilities of the editions which have been installed. 在这种情况下,Visual Studio Team System将兼备已安装的客户端版本的所有功能。
- These dimensions enable metrics from the various Team System components to be analyzed using common classifications. 借助于这些维度,就可以使用常见的分类方法来分析各个Team System组件中的度量。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- Includes the core Visual Studio Team System documentation, plus Microsoft Document Explorer Help. 包括核心Visual Studio Team System文档以及Microsoft文档资源管理器帮助。
- He broke away from that lawless group years ago. 他在几年前脱离了那个非法团体。