- The group living in such a dwelling. 印地安部落居住在这种房屋里的一群人
- He has difficulty in adjusting to group living. 他很难适应集体生活。
- Group living is also an excellent way for a young dolphin to learn about the intricacies of life within its community. 集体生活也是一个让年轻海豚在牠的团体中学习各种复杂的生活面向之极佳方法。
- The Xibo is an ehnic minority group living in Northern China. 锡伯族是分布在我国北方的一个少数民族。
- A member of a group living in southern Alabama and southeast Mississippi, of mixed white, Black, and Native American ancestry. 阿卡迪亚人居住在阿拉巴马南部和密西西比东南部的一个民族,混有白人、黑人和印第安人的血统
- The community is a social life group living in certain region.Construction of harmonious community plays a founational role in the construction of harmonious society. 摘要社区是以一定地域为基础的社会生活共同体,建设和谐社区对构建社会主义和谐社会发挥着基础性的作用。
- The Owenks in the Aoluguya is the only one group living on raising reindeer from the ancient time to now. 敖鲁古雅鄂温克民族乡是我国独一无二的以驯鹿饲养和经营作为第一生存条件及产业结构的群体。
- The Mosu are an ethnic group living in Yunnan who have a fascinating way of living. 摩苏人是居住在云南省的一个少数民族,他们的生活方式十分奇特。
- The move is expected to help the young pandas adapt to temperature, humidity and group living. 这次迁居欲更好的帮助这些小熊猫适应外面的温度、湿度和群居生活。
- A member of a group living in southernAlabama and southeast Mississippi, of mixed white, Black, and Native American ancestry. 阿卡迪亚人居住在阿拉巴马南部和密西西比东南部的一个民族,混有白人、黑人和印第安人的血统。
- Children of observation group received TEP, while children of control group living in ordinary ward received conventional care. 观察组患儿接受全环境保护,对照组患儿住普通病室接受常规护理。
- This traditional event is very popular among jingpo ethnic group living in compact communities around the southwestern border between Burma(Myanmar) and China. 目脑(景颇歌舞节)景颇歌舞节是西南中缅边界附近聚居的景颇人非常流行的传统活动。
- In ancient history,many tribes and ethnic groups lived in Xinjiang. 在古代历史上,曾有许多部落、民族在新疆聚居。
- Morning News -- (Reporter Mok spring) did not catch the subway line construction tender 5th overall group living program next year will be the eyes of the 4th Line and 10th MTR line. 晨报讯(记者莫春)没赶上地铁5号线施工招标的住总集团把眼睛盯上了明年将要进行的地铁4号线和10号线。
- Visitors can see how the Lewis and Clark group lived during the time they spent there. 在参观期间,游客可以了解刘易斯和克拉克探险队的队员们在那里的生活情形。
- There are a few uncontactable groups living in Amazonia, and for them I fear the chances of survival are pretty slim28. 亚马逊河流域生活着几个外界无法与之联系的群体,恐怕他们幸存下来的可能性极小。
- Mu Cao’s poetry pays a great attention to the weak and the disadvantaged groups living in the underclass. 在那样的处境中,能够始终坚守着诗歌的探索创造在诗歌界是绝无仅有的。
- At the same time, actively explore and strive to improve the housing of other disadvantaged groups living conditions. 同时积极探索、努力改善其他住房困难群体的居住条件。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- In ancient history, many tribes and ethnic groups lived in Xinjiang. 在古代历史上,曾有许多部落、民族在新疆聚居。