- As a result, dear Libra, you could grow closer to them - especially if you sense what they need even before they do! 亲爱的天秤座,结果是你会和他们更加的亲密,尤其是你会想他人所想。
- Heavenly Father, our desire is to worship You and daily grow closer to You, even though this growth may require trials and testings. 我们的天父,我们要敬拜您,而且要每天接近您,即使我们灵命的成长要经过试探和试验。
- As our marriage has gone on,we've grown closer to each other. 我们婚后随着时间的推移,互相的感情变得更加笃实了。
- As our marriage has gone on, we've grown closer to each other. 我们婚后随着时间的推移,互相的感情变得更加笃实了。
- That might require living celibately, learning to deflect sexual impulses or framing a life of struggle as an opportunity to grow closer to God. 这种做法可能要求客户保持单身,逐步学会转移性冲动,或是将充满挣扎的生活视为接近上帝的一个机会。
- But they say acoustic neuromas would be the most likely because they grow close to where people hold cell phones. 但他们表示,极有可能是听神经瘤,因为听神经瘤的位置就是人们通常握着手机的位置。
- People say that the tiger is still lurk close to. 人们说那只老虎还躲在附近。
- He's edging closer to the world record. 他在逐渐接近世界纪录。
- She is buying a flat close to her office. 她正在购买一套靠近她办公室的单元房。
- The church is close to the school. 教堂在学校附近。
- Her remarks were embarrassingly close to home. 她说的那些话很露骨而使人感到很尴尬。
- David's house is quite close to the Global Theater. 大卫的家离环球剧院很近。
- This clears the way for Australian acceptance of U. S. citrus grown closer to the site of a Medfly outbreak than previously permitted. 这为澳大利亚接受在离地中海果实蝇爆发点更近范围种植的美国柑橘扫清了道路。
- He held me close to him, murmuring endearments. 他抱紧了我,喃喃述说著爱意。
- The hounds are getting close to their quarry. 猎狗正在接近猎物。
- His house is close to the factory. 他家靠近该厂。
- He parked his car close to the curb. 他将汽车停在紧靠人行道路缘的地方。
- The ship kept close to the coast. 该船靠近海岸航行。
- The tempest tore the branches and uprooted the plants and broke the stems of the tall flowers, sparing only the little ones who grew close to the friendly earth. 风暴折断了树木的枝条,将他们连根拔起,高大花草的茎都被摧毁,只有那些紧贴着地面生长的小花得以幸免。
- The child snuggled close to its mother. 孩子紧紧偎依著母亲。