- The Tobacco Board is finalising a scheme where farmers surrendering their licence to grow tobacco will be given one-time compensation, Babu said. 烟草委员会确定了一项计划,根据这项计划,放弃自己的烟草种植许可证的烟农将获得一次性的补偿。
- After they found out how to grow tobacco (and, later, cotton), they acquired Black slaves to endure the heat and humidity to raise this profitable cash crop. 当他们发现如何种植烟草(及后来的棉花)之后,他们使用黑奴在农场上忍受酷热与潮湿为他们种植这些经济作物。
- The south, with its rich soil and ideal climate, was finding wealth in growing tobacco and rice. 南部土地肥沃,气候理想,人们在种植烟草和大米中找到了生财之道
- Growing tobacco involves quite a lot of work: watering, manuring, pruning, and so forth. 种植烟草包括许多种农活:浇水、施肥、修剪,等等。
- The tobacco industry has been larger and important for America's economy ever since colonial farmers grew tobacco for export 300 years ago. 烟草工业从三百年前殖民地时期农民种植外销以来,一直对美国的经济起着重大作用。
- Polonium-210 is also present in the fine tobacco hairs, coming from the phosphorus fertilizer used in growing tobacco plant. 烟草上的茸毛含有微量钋210,主要是来自土壤和菸草使用的磷肥。
- So farmers who took the money are prevented by law from growing tobacco or even storing a neighbor's crop in their barns, and many barns stand empty. 所以收了钱的农场主种植烟草,甚至只是在自己的谷仓存放邻居的收割的烟草都是违法的,因此很多谷仓空空如也。
- Almost at the outset, southern colonials grew tobacco that was both cheaper to produce and of better quality than the tobacco grown in most other parts of the world. 几乎是一开始,南方殖民地就种植了烟草,这里的烟草不仅比世界上其他地方的便宜,而且其质量比那些地方种植的烟草好。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- Colonists in the North and in the western areas, which were more mountainous, did not need slaves as much as did the owners of large plantations growing tobacco, cotton, and indigo. 在北部和西部的地方由于多山,殖民者不像南部那些大片种植烟草、花和染料植物的地主需要许多的奴隶。
- The air was reeking with the smell of tobacco. 空气中弥漫着烟草的气味。
- Many young rock hounds grow up to be geologists. 许许多多爱好收集岩石的少年,长大后成了地质学家。
- He tamped down the tobacco in his pipe. 他把烟丝紧紧摁实在烟斗里。
- The game will lose its relish when you grow old. 你年纪大了以后,就会发现这种游戏的趣味大打折扣了。
- He rammed the tobacco into his pipe. 他把烟丝塞进烟斗。
- Such crops won't grow in limy soil. 这类作物不能在石灰质的土壤中生长。
- What shall we grow in this alkaline soil? 我们应该在碱性土壤里种什么?
- In some countries tobacco is a government monopoly. 在有些国家烟草是政府的专卖品。
- She wrote in for advice on how to grow roses. 她写信来咨询玫瑰花的栽培方法。
- Stammering began to grow on him. 他的口吃越来越厉害了。