- He told them to get prepared for the growing danger of war. 他让他们对日益增长的战争危险有所准备。
- He told them to get prepared against the growing danger of war. 他让他们对日益增长的战争危险有所准备。
- A brown haze, which hangs on the Auckland skyline when the winds are calm, is the only visible warning sign of the growing danger. 无风的日子,悬浮在奥克兰天际线上的淡棕色雾霭,标志着空气污染在这座城市逐渐显露出来。
- The national debt, however, will grow dangerously large much sooner. 而国债将更快膨胀到危险的地步。
- Stay in concealment until the danger has passed. 藏着别动,等危险过后再出来。
- That's where the real danger lies. 这正是真正的危险所在。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- The growing dangers of such a world are then used to justify further arms exports to the Middle East and our own increasingly nationalistic and militaristic approach to security. 这个世界日益增加的危险又被作为向中东出口更多武器装备的借口,同时也被我们越来越多地采用民族化和武力的方法去解决安全问题的借口。
- A red light is usually a signal of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- The astronaut accepted danger was part of the job. 太空人承认他们的工作中包含著危险。
- Danger lurked in the atmosphere. 氛围中隐藏着危险。
- He speaks this has the danger of jobless. 他说这个冒失业的危险。
- He was insensible of the danger. 他没有察觉到危险。
- He can not shrink back from danger. 他不会从危险中退缩出来。
- I must caution you against the danger. 我必须告诫你应谨防危险。
- He was always cool in the face of danger. 他在危险面前总是镇静自若。
- He will never fall away even in time of danger. 他即使在危急时刻也绝不会放弃原则。
- The danger recalled him to a sense of duty. 这危险的事唤起了他的责任感。
- The sound of danger gives wings to his flight. 危险的信号加速了他的逃跑。