- The prisoner tried to entice the guard from his duty. 囚犯企图把监狱看守人诱离岗位。
- So the 23-year-old guard from Slovenia hit the gym and the court and carried his tireless work ethic from training camp into the regular season. 因此这位来自斯洛文尼亚23岁的后卫在健身房和训练场上非常刻苦地训练,另外他还把他训练营时那种刻苦的精神带到了常规赛。
- Those who have preserved some memory of this already distant epoch know that the National Guard from the suburbs was valiant against insurrections. 那些对遥远的事还有些记忆的人知道郊区国民自卫军在镇压起义时也相当勇敢。
- Matei Liska, a security guard from Gonesse, a town north of Paris, normally rents an apartment in the country for his summer vacation. 利什卡(MateiLiska)是巴黎北部小镇戈内斯的一名保安,之前每年夏天他都会在乡下租一间公寓度假。
- Quinn, the point guard from Notre Dame who has spent the past two seasons with the Heat, is playing the waiting game this summer. 奎因,这位控球后卫从圣母院谁在过去的两个赛季,热火,正在发挥等待比赛今年夏天。
- Early on the morning of 12 April, an advance guard from Das Reich's reconnaissance battalion under Fritz Klingenberg approached Belgrade from the northeast. 4月12日晨,“帝国”师侦察大队得一支先遣队在弗里茨克林根贝格的率领下从西北逼近了贝尔格莱德。
- How Hitler built up his personal guard from a small team of beer-hall bodyguards into a force of several hundred thousand in the final year of World War II is a remarkable story. 希特勒建立的私人卫队从啤酒馆暴动的一支小队伍发展成为了战争末期的几十万人的队伍,这确实是一个不平常的故事。
- Secret information needs to be guarded from the public. 秘密信息需要保护不让大众知道。
- Hitherto the most holy place had been sacredly guarded from intrusion. 至圣所一向是神圣不可侵犯之地,现下却是有目共睹的了。
- The dog kept a vigilant guard over the house. 这只狗警惕地守护着这所房屋。
- The flashy guard from the Miami Heat has hurled himself into the MVP race by producing what might be the best numbers of the trio. 来自迈阿密热队的这位闪电后卫,拿出了也许是这三人中最为漂亮的数据来让他自己投身于MVP的竞争行列当中。
- He beckoned to me from across the street. 他在马路对面向我招手致意。
- Don't buy a used car from that rogue. 别从那无赖手里买旧车。
- He is sprung from noble ancestors. 他出身名门。
- He sometimes lapses from good behavior. 他有时候会行为失检。
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。
- The judge enjoined him from selling alcohol. 法官禁止他卖酒。
- He urged them to guard against conceit. 他要求他们防止骄傲自满。
- He got a lot of dope from the secretary. 他从秘书那里获得许多内部消息。
- He bribed his way past the guard and escaped. 他买通看守而逃之夭夭了。