- Do you want to activate the Guest account? 您想要启用来宾帐户吗?
- The guest account has been enabled in the database. guest帐户已在数据库中启用。
- What do you want to change about the guest account? 您想更改来客帐户的什么地方?
- Set the Guest account status to Enabled. 将Guest帐户状态设置为Enabled。
- By default, the Guest account is disabled. 默认情况下,Guest帐户被禁用。
- By default, the only member is the Guest account. 默认情况下,该组的唯一成员是Guest帐户。
- Verify the Windows Guest account is disabled on the server. 验证在服务器上已禁用Windows Guest帐户。
- Select the Internet Guest Account that you just created. 选择刚才创建的Internet来宾帐户。
- The guest account is inactive. Do you want to activate it? 来宾帐户不活动。您想激活它吗?
- Change the guest account picture or prevent guest access to this computer. 更改来宾帐户图片或防止来宾访问这台计算机。
- Make sure you are logged on with a standard user account, not a guest account. 请确保使用的是标准用户帐户而不是来宾帐户登录。
- This is the Internet guest account, which has limited privileges on the server. 这是Internet guest帐户,在服务器上只有有限的权限。
- Description: A global group that, by default, has only one member, the domain's built-in Guest account. 说明:一个全局组,默认情况下它只有一个成员,即域的内置Guest帐户。
- The scripts for creating these databases have been updated to remove the guest account to improve security. 创建这些数据库的脚本已更新,删除了guest帐户以提高安全性。
- The Guest account is a built-in user account provided in most versions of Microsoft Windows. Guest帐户是Microsoft Windows的大多数版本提供的内置用户帐户。
- Confirm that there are no files or configuration items that are world-writable that a guest account could leverage under these conditions. 请确认不存在来宾帐户在这些条件下可以利用的、全局可写的文件或配置项目。
- Change the NTFS security settings on the Tutorial. Mdb file to allow read-write access by the Internet Guest Account, IUSR_Machine. 更改Tutorial.;mdb文件的NTFS安全设置;以允许Internet来宾帐户IUSR_Machine的读写访问。
- The old man stared the uninvited guest up and down. 老人把不速之客上下打量了一番。
- If you configure another Windows user account as the Internet Guest Account, the Internet user runs under the identity of that account. 如果其他Windows用户帐户被配置为Internet来宾帐户,则Internet用户在该帐户的标识下运行。
- Users of the new Apple operating system Snow Leopard are experiencing massive data losses when logging into their machines under a guest account. 苹果新操作系统雪豹的用户在使用游客帐户登录系统的时候将会体验到大量数据损失的情况。