- The Saturn guidance and control systems are designed to provide the proper trajectory and attitude orientation for the vehicle over a range of expected missions. 土星的导引和控制系统的设计能使飞行器在规定的任务范围内提供合适的弹道和姿态方位。
- As an important part in AAM, the actuator is not only an actuating mechanism but also a major component in the guidance and control system. 舵机作为空空导弹的重要组件,既是导弹制导系统的执行机构,又是导弹制导回路的重要组成部分。
- Located atop the S-IVB, which is the third stage of the Saturn V, is the guidance and control equipment for the launch vehicle. 安装在“土星V”第三级S-IVB顶部的是发射飞行器的导航和控制设备。
- T. I. Fossen, Guidance and Control of Ocean Vehicles, John Wiley &Sons, Chichester, 1994. 黄坤洋,开框架式无人小艇之设计、动态分析与控制,国立中山大学机械工程研究所硕士论文,2000。
- Aiming at the control loop of the missile s guidance and control system,the schema trajectory is presented. 针对某型导弹制导控制系统质心控制回路,提出了标称弹道方法。
- Fossen T. I. , "Guidance and Control of Ocean Vehicles" , John Wiley and Sons , Chichester , U.K. , 1994. 许恺钰,“小型船舶靠泊控制之探讨”,国立台湾海洋大学通讯与导航工程学系硕士学位论文,2007。
- This unit functions for all flight stages, thus providing a high degree of commonality of guidance and control hardware. 这个仪器对各个飞行阶段都起作用,因此,是一个高度通用的导引和控制设备。
- In this thesis, the design of guidance and control system for the laser beam rider guidance anti-tank missile is studied. 本文的工作是针对某型激光驾束制导反坦克导弹的弹上控制系统的设计而展开的。
- Torpedo Guidance and Control System(TGCS) is an important part of torpedo ,whose performance will directly influence torpedo s battle performance. 鱼雷制导系统是鱼雷电子系统的核心,其性能的好坏直接影响到鱼雷的整体作战性能。
- Based on the requirement of a practical project, a guidance and control system of the satellite guidable bomb is analyzed and designed. (3)采用频域法设计了俯仰通道法向过载飞行控制系统,对两种自动驾驶仪方案进行了仿真分析和比较,确定最优方案;
- The design of hardware-in-the loop(HIL) simulation for guidance and control system in some anti-aircraft was descried in this paper. 介绍了某防空导弹制导控制半实物仿真系统的设计,给出了仿真系统的组成。
- Author brief introduction: KONG Tao, male, born in 1981.12, Han, postgraduate of Master of Engineering.Major in Navigation,Guidance and Control Profession.Now working in. 作者简介:孔韬,男,1981年12月,汉,硕士研究生,导航、制导与控制专业,研究领域为飞行器控制系统维修理论与技术。
- Torpedo Guidance and Control System (TGCS) is the heart of torpedo electronic system, and the performance will directly influence torpedo s battling effectiveness. 鱼雷制导系统是鱼雷的重要组成部分,其性能的好坏直接影响到鱼雷的整体作战性能。
- Lockheed Martin successfully conducted a test of the new upgraded guidance and control system for the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) at White Sands Missile Range. 在白沙导弹试验场,洛克西德马丁公司对陆军战术导弹系统(ATACMS)新升级的导航和控制系统进行了一次成功的测试。
- For low altitude guidance and control system, effects of multipath (mirror interference) are mainly pondered on and using Brewster angle effect to restrain effects of multipath is analyzed. 对于低空制导控制系统主要考虑了多路径 (镜像干扰 )的影响 ,对布鲁斯特角效应抑制多路径 (镜像干扰 )的影响进行了分析。
- Depending on the existent experiences and rules, the author realizes the distribution, guidance and control of products function information at every design step by combining the KBE with 3D modeling software. 在已有设计经验和规则的基础上,将知识工程技术与三维造型软件相结合,通过三维造型软件和设计规则之间的反复循环,实现了产品功能信息在设计各阶段、各部分之间的传递、指导和控制。
- Lack of guidance and support from boss. 上司的指导及支持不足。
- The economic liberalism under the guidance and control of Smith’s egoism and his “invisible hand”isare a basic ideathe basic ideas which runsrun through the whole system of Smith’s theory. 西方以宗教为伦理始点的史实是在其文明之初由各种因素综合作用的结果,不能由此推出宗教作为伦理始点的合理性。
- He has consistently given guidance and help to young people. 他一贯提携青年人。
- Parents owe their children firm guidance and consistent discipline. 父母亲所欠子女的是坚定不移的指导和始终如一的约束。