- The disappointed boy gulped down a sob and tried to smile. 这个失望的男孩忍住啜泣,强作笑脸。
- The woman servant has to gulp down a sob before her master 这位女佣在她主人面前不得不饮泣吞声。
- He often gulps down a sob. 他经常忍气吞声地生活。
- He often gulps down a sob . 他经常忍气吞声地生活。
- gulp down a sob 饮泣吞声
- The man gulp down a full stein of beer in the blink of an eye. 一眨眼的工夫这人就把一满杯啤酒一饮而尽。
- We'll gulp down a caffeinated power drink so we can stay up late. 我们会牛饮一大杯含咖啡因的提神饮料,好让自己能够熬夜,
- The dog gulped down a bowl of water. 那条狗大口大口喝下一整碗水。
- In general, very few people would gulp down a fine cognac as such. 像古龙那样豪爽地喝下,恐怕也只有少数。
- He gulped down a large glass of water. 他咕嘟咕嘟地喝了一大杯水。
- The man gulped down a full stein of beer in the blink of an eye. 一眨眼的工夫这人就把一满杯啤酒一饮而尽。
- So even a small snake can easily swallow a mouse whole, and a snake just an inch across can gulp down a young bird three inches across. 所以一条小蛇能够轻易地把一只耗子囫囵吞下,粗仅一英寸的蛇可以吞下三英寸粗的小鸟。
- In a feat that put human sword swallowers to shame, a dog managed to gulp down a stick only two inches (5 centimetres) shorter than its own body, and escape unscathed. 这一幕一定会让那些表演吞剑绝活的人自愧不如:英国朴次茅斯市的一只身长18英寸(约合46厘米)的小狗日前吞下了一根长16英寸(约合41厘米)的棍子,且无大碍。
- And you'll even feel excited after gulping down a glass. 你甚至可以感觉到激动下一杯。
- You're a soft touch for anybody with a sob story. 任何人讲一个悲惨的故事,你都会为之动情。
- "Drinking up a cup of water in one breath" means "gulp down a cup of water (approx 200 to 250 ml) "other than drinking interruptedly, only by which can it be absorbed by human body. 一口气喝完一杯水。指一口气将一整杯水(约200至250毫升)喝完,而不是随便喝两口,这样才可令身体真正吸收使用。
- The liner ran down a fishing-boat during the dense fog. 班轮在浓雾中撞沉了一只渔船。
- His words wrenched a sob from her. 他的话使得她难过得哭泣起来。
- His voice broke into a sob as he answered. 他回答的时候,声音象哭一样。
- Sale is down a bit due to the revaluation. 由于货币升值销售额有下降。