- gyri temporalis transversus 颞横回, 黑施勒回
- It was found that the left gyrus temporalis medius as well as the left gyrus fusiformis were activated by both Chinese and English stimuli. 研究发现,1)中、英文刺激在左侧颞叶中后部及相邻的梭状回激活的脑区非常相似,该脑区可能与语义信息的存储有关。
- gyri temporalis inferior [医] 颞下回
- gyri temporalis mediium [医] 颞中回
- gyri temporalis superior [医] 颞上回
- The surface of cerebrum is increased by many gyri. 大脑表面由脑回的增多而增大。
- Transversus Abdominis Plane Block: How Safe is it? 腹部平面阻滞的安全性如何?
- The gyri are flattened from cerebral swelling. 静脉性梗塞区别于动脉性梗塞的主要特点是静脉窦及皮层血管的扩张和血栓形成,通常可伴有脑表静脉周围的蛛网膜下腔出血,有时还可伴有大面积的脑出血或硬膜下出血。
- The gyri are narrowed and the sulci widened toward to frontal pole. 脑回变窄,脑沟向着前端变宽。
- gyrus temporalis inferior 颞下回
- The crests of the gyri are most susceptible to the traumatic forces. 脑回顶部容易受到创伤外力的打击。
- Mainly the gyri are affected with hemorrhage from contusions and lacerations. 脑回挫裂伤引起出血。
- gyrus temporalis medius 颞中回
- gyrus temporalis superior 颞上回
- Mandibular elevators include the masseter, temporalis, and medial pterygoid muscles, while the lateral pterygoid protrudes the mandible. 下颔包含嚼肌、颞骨肌和内翼肌,而外翼肌则是使下颔突出。
- Reconstructing defects in the palate with temporalis myofascial flap immediately. 颞肌筋膜瓣即时重建腭组织缺损。
- The enzyme histochemical changes of massetermuscles and temporalis muscles fibers were analyzed by NADH-TR and ATPase staining. 进行咬肌和颞肌肌纤维烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸四唑还原酶(NADH-TR)和腺苷三磷酸酶(ATP酶)染色分析。
- Objective 8 cases of maxillofacial defect were reconstructed by temporalis myofascial flap(TMF). 目的应用颞肌筋膜瓣修复口腔颌面部缺损8例。
- Transversus linguae of lingual muscles are more developed.The gustatory glands are seen in radix linguae. 舌肌的横纹肌发达,味腺只见于舌根部。
- The preperitoneal space used in TEP approach was between the anterior and posterior laminae of the transversus fascia. 腹股沟区存在两层腹横筋膜,TEP所使用的腹膜前间隙是在两层腹横筋膜之间;