- Determination has been made of the ice nucleation of AgI with rainmaing and hail suppression rocket JFJ. 我们检测了JFJ型降雨防雹火箭的碘化银成冰核效率。
- In order to improve hail suppression effectiveness,radar 711 was made better in wusu in 1998. 为了提高防雹作业的效果,1998年对乌苏711雷达进行了数字化改造。
- It is showed that hail shooting decreased on ground after seeding,and rainfall increased,the effect of hail suppression is demonstrated. 研究表明,该降雹过程经人工催化作业后,地面降雹减少,降雨增加,初步论证了防雹的效果。
- In second stage from 1972 to 1978, the hailstorm physics, artificially triggered lightning, hail suppression from 1980 to present. 1972-1978年为第二阶段,主要开展甘肃省平凉市的人工防雹研究。1980年至今为第三阶段,主要开展雹云物理、人工触发闪电及人工防雹技术研究。
- Therefore it is most important to increase the throwing height of the anticraft gun shells and to locate the AgI aerosols into the upwind regions of the clouds in sense of precipitation enhancement or hail suppression. 计算表明:碘化银粒子在云中降水区被降水冲刷损耗显著,因而提高了37高炮射高,保证它能被云中上升气流挟带到-4℃层以上云中核化,是当前国内高炮人工增雨、防雹引晶催化能否取得成效的关键。
- An application test of rain-increase operation in 2005 proved it is effective to economize weather modification cost and guide convective clouds rocket rain-increase and hail suppression. 经2005年一次增雨作业应用检验,证明结果切实可行,对节约人工影响天气成本,有效指导对流云火箭增雨防雹作业具有一定的意义。
- Discussion on the Technique of the Hail Suppression 人工防雹消雹业务技术问题的讨论
- hail suppression by anti -hail gun 高炮消雹
- New System of Hail Suppression Operation in Changzhi 长治市防雹作业新体系
- Analysis on Radar Echo of a Hail Suppression Effect by Rockey 一次火箭防雹效果的雷达回波分析
- Assessment Effects of Artificial Hail Suppression in Mengyin County 蒙阴县人工防雹效果评估
- Discussion about Experiences of Artificial Hail Suppression 人工防雹工作经验浅谈
- Numerical Experiments on Hail Suppression by AgI Seeding 播撒碘化银粒子进行人工防雹的数值试验
- That's not a local accent. Where do you hail from? 那不是本地口音,你是什么地方人?
- They hail from all parts of the country. 他们来自全国各地。
- The youngsters greeted their idol with a hail. 那群年轻人向他们的偶像欢呼致敬。
- Physical and statistic validity checks on impact of hail suppression in Xun Yi 旬邑防雹效果的物理统计检验
- The suppression of the revolt took a mere two days. 镇压叛乱只用了两天时间。
- Operational Procedure of Hail Suppression in ZhaoSu County Radar Station 昭苏县防雹雷达站防雹业务技术规程
- A violent windstorm, frequently accompanied by rain, snow, or hail. 大风暴一场强烈的风暴,经常伴随雨、雪或冰