- He came running here with one hand holding a knife. 他手上握着刀向这里跑来。
- Sung opens the hand hold that one oneself fetch that dull Huang of and decrepit leaf, silently want to let ever the person to lead long the dream encompass! 宋开手里握着那一片枯黄的而且残破的树叶,默默地想着曾经让自己魂牵梦萦的人!
- I like standing bedside you, one hand hold by your hand, laying my face in your strong arm. 我最喜欢站在你旁边,拉着你的手,脸夹微微地靠着你那强有力的手臂上。
- The 8th, pursue happy life, be far from politics, must not the head binds list, hand hold the behavior of amplifier! 第八,追求快乐人生,远离政治活动,不得有头绑布条,手执扩音机之行为!
- One slim hand held above her eyes to shield them from the sun. 一只纤细的手放在眼睛上面遮住太阳。
- After picking up passengers do not move off until they are properly seated or, if permitted to stand, are able to grasp a secure handrail or hand hold. 乘客上车后,应让他们坐稳才开车。如车上容许乘客站立,应在他们握紧扶手后才开车。
- Mr. Crich went forward with his hand held out to her. 克里奇先生走上前去向她伸出了手。
- Honeywell Announces Agreement to Acquire Hand Held Products Inc. 霍尼韦尔宣布收购手持产品有限公司。
- Check the function of the hand held pendant control. 检查手持式控制板功能。
- The hand holds the carnation, gives to world all mother. 在母亲节里我手捧康乃馨,献给天下所有的母亲。
- Upon him the Tiger purred, and his hand held manna to scatter. 老虎遇到他都会臣服,而比利手持甘露四处撒播。
- A hand held controller used with microcomputers and video games to control the movement of the cursor or graphic display, on the screen. 一种手握控制装置,同微机和电子游戏机联用,以控制光标或显示的图形在屏幕上的运动。
- It is a hand held, self contained, rechargeable cordless polish. 这是手扶, 独立性, 可再充电的无绳的擦亮剂。
- The following day early in the morning, bold wife sees the husband did not return overnight, hand hold bludgeon is searched and come. 第二天一早,悍妻见丈夫一夜未归,手执棍棒寻找而来。
- She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff. 他手拿捻线竿。手把纺线车。
- With hands holding her chin, her mind went away. 她双手托着腮帮子,不知道在想什么。
- Come outside with your hands held high. 举起手走出来。
- The Intertwined Fingers Hand HoldA step up from the Passive Hand Hold, Intertwined Fingers provides a firmer grip and an increased sense of intimacy. 我知道这样的崇拜态度是很没有诚意,所以我试过换教会,逃避他。
- With hands held high into the skies above. 向着遥不可及的天空高举双手。
- This sound is from a certain shade shadow comes out they are frightened so that quiver all over, then they discover a senile hand hold chisel is certaining a gravestone. 这声音是从某个阴暗处传出他们被吓得浑身发抖,接著他们发现有位老年人手执凿子正在凿一块墓碑。