- Can you show me some hand crochet article, please? 你能拿些手钩针编织品给我看看吗?
- Can you show me some hand crochet article,please? 你能拿些手钩针编织品给我看看吗?
- We have a very wide selection of hand crochet article. 我们的手钩针编织品有很大的选择余地。
- We have a very wide selection of hand crochet articles. 我们的手钩针编织品有很大的选择余地。
- Very fancy lace curtain panels, or embroidered lace, by the bolt. And hand crochet victorian bed spreads, in soft ivory, pink, white, etc. In all sizes. 求购花式花边窗帘,手钩维多利亚式床单,象牙色,粉色,白色等等。尺寸多样。
- C:Could you show me some hand crochets,please? 你能拿些手钩针织品给我看看吗?
- I have several different items here for sale.From Beanie Babies and Beanie Baby Trading Cards, to Jewelry, Ceramic Ornaments, Lace Angels to Hand Crocheted Afghans. 为保障出价者的私隐,当物品的价格或最高出价达到或超过某金额时,会员帐号就会以匿名显示。
- Petit Mouton Noir stayed under the bed cover and he pretended that he were a vampire one night. 某日晚上小黑羊很无聊,于是他用床单包裹自己扮吸血鬼喎!
- The company mainly produces wool and knitting garment, all kinds of hand crochet, hand-woven, embroider, and bead arts &crafts, etc. 公司专业生产毛织、针织服装、各式手钩、手织、绣花、钉珠等工艺产品,并远销欧、美等二十几个国家。
- John Rocha too for autumn winter used hand crochet and loomed knits, dense metallic embroideries and heavy solid beading on fabrics. 约翰?罗查(JohnRocha)的秋冬服装采用了手工钩边与织机编织相结合,并大量使用了金属饰品和沉重的固体珠饰;
- Upper Jurassic red bed cover directly on coal measure strata of Permian and Carboniferous system in Yanzhou coal field . 兖州煤田的上侏罗统红层直接覆盖于二叠、石炭系煤系地层之上。
- Our company manufacture and deal household textile fabrics series, bed cover series, silk blanket series, cushion series, etc. 公司生产经营家纺布料系列,床上被服系列,真丝丝毯系列,靠垫系列等。
- Our company is a professional manufacturer of hand crochet products,located in Jiangsu province,near Shanghai,a place which is flourishing in private business. 公司介绍:本公司是一家专业生产手钩产品的制造商,在全国经济发达的江苏地区,临近上海。
- I was lying upon a low bed covered with fine snow-white sheets. 我躺在一张矮床上,身上盖了一条精制的雪白的被单。
- How many meters of silk will it take to make two double bed covers? 做两个双人床的床罩需要几米丝绸?
- Blanket, quilt. bed cover 1. the "cover" or mode of conduct in the home (900-142). 2. helpful attitudes to make the best of or to cover a difficult situation (900-180). 毯子、被子:1,家庭的行为模式(900-142);2,帮助性的态度或掩盖一个困难的局面(900-180)。其它解释:与个人安全和舒适有关。
- China based Guangcai Textiles Co., Ltd. Produces and exports fabrics and home textiles including decorative fabrics, fire-retardant fabric, curtains, bed cover, table cloths, blankets, cushion cover, towels, etc. 色织布、提花布、装饰布、阻燃布、床上用品、台布、腈纶毛毯、坐垫靠垫、窗帘门帘和巾被。
- Sell hand crocheted and knitted scarves 供应手钩披肩,围巾,套头
- Decorative fabrics and home textiles including upholstery fabrics, fire-retardant fabric, curtains, bed cover, pillow cases, table cloth, blankets, cushion covers, etc. 色织布、提花布、装饰布、阻燃布、床上用品、坐垫靠垫、窗帘门帘。