- She was what people called a handsome woman. 她是那种人们认为好看的妇女。
- A handsome woman, he thought, summing her up. 他把她打量了一番,认为她是个端庄的女人。
- At one time she must have been a handsome woman, but she had run slightly to seed. 她从前一定是一个漂亮的女人,但现在她有些衰老了。
- A handsome woman is a jewel; a good woman is a treasure. 美丽的女人只是饰品;贤惠的女人菜市宝物。
- She must be a splendidly handsome woman for so fine a bouquet. 除非是个顶顶漂亮的女人才配得上一簇这么出色的花。
- He thought to himself that she was quite a handsome woman in repose. 他心里想,她在安静的时候是很美的。
- The handsome women are not nice. 漂亮女人不好。
- At one time she must have been a handsome woman,but she had run slightly to seed. 她从前一定是一个漂亮的女人,但现在她有些衰老了。
- Here was a young, handsome woman, if you might believe the newspaper drawing, suing a rich, fat, candy-making husband in Brooklyn for divorce. 有一个年轻漂亮的女人,要是你相信报纸上的描述的话,控告她那在布鲁克林的富有、肥胖的糖果商丈夫,要求离婚。
- She was a handsome woman with a dramatic shock of white hair, short and slim, but muscular. 她原是一位端庄的女人,留着一头引人注目的蓬松白发,个子小巧苗条,但肌肉健壮。
- It almost gave him pleasure to go off under her eyes with this other handsome woman. 当他与身旁这位漂亮妇人一起从她眼皮底下扬长而去的时候,他几乎感到一阵喜悦。
- She remained a strikingly handsome woman with a good figure and a strong face only lightly marked with beginning lines of age. 她仍不失为一名十分俊俏的妇人,身材优美,丰满的脸庞上只有几道淡淡的皱纹。
- The handsome women, who are not so beautiful and somewhat heterosexual don't think we are nice enough. 不是很好但是很漂亮又是异性恋的女人却嫌我们不够帅。
- The handsome women, who are not so nice and some what heterosexual don't think we are beautiful enough. 不是很好但是很帅又是异性恋的女人却嫌我们不够漂亮。
- She was the handsomest woman of her day,and the cleverest,the nicest,the best of the whole boiling. 她是当时最端庄的女人,而且是当时一伙妇女中最聪明,最正派,最棒的一个。
- Her sublimate future husband will be tall, dark, and handsome. 她理想化的未来丈夫将是身材高大,皮肤浅黑,相貌英俊。
- She was the handsomest woman of her day, and the cleverest, the nicest, the best of the whole boiling. 她是当时最端庄的女人,而且是当时一伙妇女中最聪明,最正派,最棒的一个。
- He was hatchet-faced and not at all handsome. 他是瘦长脸,一点也不漂亮。
- She makes eyes at the handsome young man. 她向那位英俊的小伙子送秋波。
- He is as handsome as (handsome) can be. 他潇洒极了。