- Tom sat there smiling, looking as happy as a clam. 汤姆笑着坐在那里,看起来很幸福。
- He's happy as a mosquito at a swimsuit shoot. 穿着泳衣拍照,他快乐得像只蚊子。
- She walked along whistling, as happy as a lark. 她兴高采烈的边吹口哨边走路。
- Rose: Im happy as a 3) single woman. 柔丝:我乐于做单身女郎。
- The boy is happy as a clam swimming in the pool. 这个男孩在游泳池里游得非常高兴。
- happy as a sandbloy 兴高采烈
- The little girl was as happy as a lark with her new toy. 那小女孩有了件新玩具,简直高兴极了。
- He was in his native element and as happy as a lark. 他兴趣盎然,自得其乐。
- Little Bao was happy as a puppy frolicking in the snow. 小小宝快活得好像雪天的小狗。
- Seeing his mom, the little boy was as happy as a lark. 看到妈妈,小男孩高兴极了。
- The little boy is happy as a clam swimming in the pool. 这个小男孩在游泳池里游得非常高兴。
- And if Tunisia win tonight, Hosni will be as happy as a pig in Schweinfurt! 如果今晚突尼斯获胜的话,马诺比就会快乐得像是施魏因堡小镇上的小猪。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。
- As a matter of fact, I've never been there before. 事实上我从未到过那儿。
- That girl was talking about her experiences in Tibet, happy as a lark. (那个女孩眉飞色舞地谈论着在西藏的经历。
- He describes himself as a doctor. 他自称是医生。
- Look at him now! He's gone back to his books, and he'll be as happy as a king. 你看他!他又在查书了,快乐得象个神仙。
- With a smug expression on his face, Mr.Chern was as happy as a child. 其中with a smug expression on one’s face是英语中比较固定的表达方式。
- Fair, pure and joyous as a maiden, loving, tender and happy as a young wife. 作为少女,她端庄、纯洁又快乐;作为妻子,她深情、温和又幸福。
- It takes six years to qualify as a doctor. 要获得医师资格需时六年。