- hard and slipping formation “打滑”地层
- He stuck hard and fast to his principles. 他坚定不移地坚持自己的准则。
- You can't lay down hard and fast rules. 规则不能定得太严太死。
- Work hard and you will be successful. 努力工作,你就会成功。
- He has had it hard and gets discouraged. 他处境因难,感到沮丧。
- He works hard and keeps regular hours. 他工作努力,生活很有规律。
- And slipping past her brother she went out. 她掠过哥哥走了出去。
- The wind blew hard and the sea was billowing. 疾风劲吹,海浪汹涌。
- The mattress was hard and unyielding. 这床垫很硬,没有弹性。
- He volunteered for the hard and unprofitable job. 他自愿做这苦差使。
- Than I open the cover carefully and slip in. 然后,我小心亦亦的打开棺盖滑了进去。
- They pulled hard and reached the shore quickly. 他们用力划船,很快就到了岸边。
- She came back and slipped on a new sweater. 她回来换了件新羊毛衫。
- Push hard and the lever will go down. 用力推就能把控制杆按下去。
- On the farm John worked hard and went to bed with the chickens. 在农场工作时,约翰工作卖力,也睡得早。
- Connect grab link to hoist and slip nylon cord thru link. 穿过链环将抓钩链环连接到起重机和滑动尼龙绳上。
- He tries hard and he tries his best, but he never gets anywhere. 他虽然尽了力,且尽了最大努力,但仍然一事无成。
- He squeezed the tube hard and the last bit of toothpaste came out. 他使劲挤牙膏管子,挤出了最后一点牙膏。
- The one way to succeed is to work hard and live a healthy life. 成功的唯一途径是勤奋及过健康的生活。
- "Why, you just said a body could lift up the bedstead and slip the chain off. “哈,你不是说,只要有人把床往上一提,脚镣就能往下掉么?”