- Then connect hardware interface to any free USB port of your PC or laptop. 然后连接的硬件接口的任何免费的USB端口的PC或笔记本电脑。
- The paper designs and debugs a hardware interface board on the base of the fire intelligent alarm arithmetic. 在火灾智能报警算法的基础上,本文设计并调试了一块硬件接口板。
- The problem of usability of product hardware interface was discussed on the knowledge based framework. 以知识为基础研究产品硬件界面的可用性问题。
- This paper also introduces the HT1625 and LPC2132’s hardware interface and some LCD driving subprograms translate. 根据多段驱动特点,选用HT1625做为液晶驱动芯片。
- Technologies need to learn hardware interface technology here is the answer, you can for your reference! 需要学习硬件技术的这里是接口技术的答案,可以供大家参考!
- MATLAB applications through redeployment C++ language interface Mex,Achievable in the MATLAB environment for the specific hardware interface signals. 而通过MATLAB应用程序接口Mex调用C++语言,可实现在MATLAB环境下对硬件端口信号的读写。
- The introduction of mechanism of Dynamic Link Library(DLL)makes LabVIEW have more strong driving power of hardware interface. 动态链接库(DLL)机制的引入使得LabVIEW具有了更加强大的硬件接口的驱动能力。
- Then multi-layer fault-injection is implemented in the hardware interface, OS interface and application layer, using embedded platform API. 并利用嵌入式平台API,在硬件接口层、OS接口层以及应用层实现多层故障注入。
- The author designs the hardware interface for TP86 single-board microcomputer and XJP-02rotating speed display, and programs the communication program in the paper. 本文为TP86单板微型计算机和XJP-02转速显示仪设计了硬件接口,并编制了通讯程序。
- Labwindows/CVI is applied to design serial communication based on the RS232 bus between TMS320LF2407A and PC, including hardware interface circuit and software program. 利用Labwindows/CVI软件设计以基于RS232串行通信的上位机PC和下位机TMS320LF2407A之间的串行通讯硬件接口与软件设计。
- The article takes the LCD module of T6963C controler with built-in LCD for example,presenting its software and hardware interface with DSP(TMS320C542) in DSP application. 本文以内藏液晶显示控制器(T6963C)的液晶显示模块为例,介绍了其在DSP测控系统中与DSP芯片(TMS320C542)的软件和硬件接口形式。
- Without adding new hardware interface on PCB, this debug structure can implement On-chip debug through the JTAG interface which is necessary to each PCBs. 该调试结构不需要在目标板上增加新的硬件接口,仅仅通过目标板上不可缺少的JTAG接口即可实现板级调试。
- Realization of serial communication between upper-end computer and automatic switching by a microchip(PIC16F873) is introduced. And the hardware interface and main flow chart of software programming are presented in the paper. 介绍利用单片机PIC16F873作为串行通信模块,实现上位PC机与智能型自动转换开关之间通信的功能,主要包括两者实现通信的硬件接口及主要程序流程。
- These peer-to-peer features and low latency also ease the implementation of clustering by utilizing standard hardware interfaces employing the I2O software. 通过利用采纳I2O软件的标准硬件接口,这些对等特性以及短的执行时间也方便了群集的实现。
- This paper discusses the work principle of tilting cape sensor,designs the hardware interface circuit of PIC16C72 and tilting cape sensor and their software. And this design has already been verified by the experiment. 介绍倾角传感器的工作原理,对PIC16C72与倾角传感器的硬件接口电路及其软件进行了设计,并且该设计已经由实验得到验证。
- Firstly,the data communication system on short-wave for single soldier is present in brief. And then the hardware interface between the lattice LCD MGLS12864T and the 3G DSP TMS320C31 are introduced. 在简要地介绍了单兵短波数字通信系统的基础上 ,给出了MGLS12864T点阵液晶显示模块与第三代数字信号处理器 (DSP)TMS320C31的硬件接口电路。
- In this papers introduced the principle and features of multi -channels 14 - bit DAG MAX125 and its application to the online measuring equipment, including the hardware interface and software programming method between MAX125 and microcontroller. 文中阐述了MAX125的特性和工作原理,介绍了MCS-51系列单片机与MAX125的硬件接口设计以及软件编程方法,最后阐述了该模数转换器在密度在线测量装置中的应用。
- The user program is designed with Visual Basic 4.0,the program of controlling the hardware interface with Windows Dynamic Linking Library (DLL) which is programmed by Borland C ++ 4.5,and the date processing is with Access 2.0 database. 以BorlandC+ + 4 .;5语言编制Windows动态连接库 (DLL)为底层硬件接口的控制层 ; 数据处理层采用Access 2
- Hardware interface circuits between embedded microprocessor S3C2410X and TFT-LCD TD035STEB1 are designed. Embedded Linux device driver of LCD module is developed,ASCII characters,Chinese and basic graph are shown and touch screen is used for control. 设计了嵌入式微处理器S3C2410X与TFT型液晶屏TD035STEB1接口的硬件电路,基于嵌入式Linux进行LCD模块驱动程序的开发,实现了ASCII字符、汉字与基本图形的显示以及触摸控制功能。
- There are several problems in BPF yet, one is: a BPF file that does not request promiscuous mode may receive promiscuously received packets as a side effect of another file requesting this mode on the same hardware interface. BPF还存在几个问题,其中一个问题是:在以太网的情况下,如果一个进程把网卡设置成混杂模式,另一个打开一个BPF文件但没有请求混杂模式的进程在此网卡上监听的时候,也会收到混杂模式下不是给本机的数据包。