- harmonious social idea 和谐社会理念
- "World Community" Is Not Confucius's Social Idea? "大同"是孔子的社会理想吗?
- A harmonious social order is created by the existence of extended families and by treasuring children. 和谐的社会秩序乃是来自这些稳定家庭的延伸以及对孩子的珍视。
- Harmonious social view and governing the nation by law have internal relation in Humanist and the maintenance of the human dignity and so on. 和谐社会观与依法治国在以人为本、维护人性尊严等方面存在着内在的联系。
- The object of the mind's emancipation is a dind of harmonious social relations, achieving the bright prospects of "the wealth among the people". 客体上,一种和谐的社会关系是思想解放的最终指向,以达成“藏富于民”的共富愿望。
- As the main constructer of the harmonious society, the government must play a primary role in the harmonious social construction. 政府作为和谐社会的构建的主要承担者,要在和谐社会构建中发挥着重要的作用。
- Experts think, quality place decides woman of this since man's special physiology, also mix at the same time of social idea oriented about. 专家们认为,这既是男人女人特殊的生理特质所决定的,同时也和社会观念的导向有关。
- Incorrectness exists in the defining of the history of social idea both in broad and narrow senses and needs proper correcting. 目前对社会思想史的广义和狭义之分有不够准确的地方,应予以适当修正。
- The complete historical issue of enhancing the capacity of building a harmonious social society has been raised in the Fourth Plenum of the 16 th Central Committee of the CPC. 摘要党的十六届四中全会向全党提出了提高构建社会主义和谐社会能力的崭新重大历史课题。
- It analyzes comprehensively harmonious social actual foundation in accordance with all kinds of inharmonious facts, social out-of-balance, even the conflict of the society. 全面分析了我们党针对我国现阶段各种不和谐现象、各种社会失衡甚至社会冲突而提出的构建社会主义和谐社会的现实依据。
- These thoughts already surmounted the category of squirearchy, become China latter-day the one part of the new social idea that turns over aggressive, anti-feudal. 这些思想已超越地主阶级的范畴,成为中国近代反侵略、反封建的新的社会思想的一部分。
- Many observers who are delighted with the social idea of decentralized control are upset to hear that hierarchies are paramount and essential in this new scheme. 很多观察家津津乐道于分布式控制的社会理想,听说层级是包容结构中最重要和最核心的部分时,却很反感。
- Comte settled the contradiction between individual emotion and social emotion following holistic and social principia,so that he showed emotional positivism path to construct harmonious social order. 孔德遵循整体性和社会性的基本原则来解决个人情感与社会情感的矛盾,从而找到了构建和谐社会秩序的情感实证主义路径。
- This text expound the fact harmonious social way and main content of construction from manpower angle that capital dispose, propose disposing the manpower capital rationally, advance the development strategy of harmonious social construction. 本文从人力资本配置的角度论述了和谐社会建设的途径和主要内容,提出了合理配置人力资本,推进和谐社会建设的发展战略。
- Based on his idea of the modification of early natural law, Thomas Aquinas established his social ideas. 托马斯·阿奎那在修改早期自然法的基础上,确立了自己的社会思想。
- Social Daoism reveals that the non-possessive relationship between social affairs will bring about harmonious social mechanisms that operate naturally in the complementation of properties. 社会道学揭示:社会事物的非占有关系在性能互补中会产生和谐的自然运行的社会机制。
- The most important premise of Constructing harmonious social is that the urban and rural relations is equality and harmonious, But the urban and rural structure is also unbalanced and inharmonic. 构建和谐社会的首要前提是城乡关系平等和谐,而当前我国的城乡结构还是还处于失衡的状态,是不和谐的。
- As social idea appearance, political culture expresses the people's political worth and political mental mindset, controls the basic way and basic alignments of the national diplomacy behavior. 政治文化作为社会观念形态,体现着人们的政治价值和政治心理取向,制约着国家外交行为的基本方式和基本走向。
- Only realizing the essential legal system, can it is possible to establish a solid legal mechanism for national harmonious Socialism and society. 只有实质法治的实现,才能为建立民族和谐的社会主义和谐社会提供坚实的法律基础。
- Harmonious socialism society is a moralized society, including fair and justice, faith and kindness, in which human-being gets along with nature. 摘要社会主义和谐社会是一个道德化社会,在构成社会主义和谐社会诸要素中,公平正义、诚信友爱、人与自然和谐相处是社会主义道德的基本内容;