- It is valuable to have a harmony family. 家庭的融洽氛围是难能可贵的。
- This experience is valuable to me. 这一经历对我很有用。
- Its harmony is grave and gentle, sad tender. 它的和声显得既严峻又柔和,既忧伤又委婉。
- In pathology, state body harmony is swollen. 在病理,表示身体雍肿。
- What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? 基督和撒旦怎么能有协约呢?
- This simplified block diagram is valuable. 这个简化了的框图很有用。
- Not every pearl found is valuable. 并非发现的每颗珍珠都是有价值的。
- The book is valuable for my purpose. 这本书对我很有用。
- This method is valuable, simple. 该方法简单,具有实际使用意义。
- ACCP is valuable for RA diagnosis. ACCP对RA有较高的诊断价值。
- Davey is valuable , you are my all at the moment.! 莪也不是只会港噶一句好把,?
- The harmonizing atmosphere of a family is valuable. 在统一的气氛的家庭是有价值的。
- Conclusions ACCP is valuable for RA diagnosis. 结论ACCP对RA有较高的诊断价值。
- Only such a striver is valuable. 惟有这样的奋斗者才是富有价值的。
- The pottery is valuable,please be careful. 这些瓷器很贵重,所以请小心些。
- harmony is valuable 和为贵
- One of the obstaches to social harmony is privilege. 导致社会不协调的障碍之 一是特权.
- The way to harmony is the process we stride on this planet. 和谐的途径就是我们在这颗行星上行进的过程。
- One of the obstacles to social harmony is privilege. 导致社会不协调的障碍 之一是特权.
- Harmony is happiness, and disharmony is unhappiness. 和谐是幸福,而不和谐是不幸福。