- hartoonious sociely 和谐社会
- Conclusion: Emotional status influence soci al support in COPD. 结论:COPD患者心理情绪影响社会支持水平。
- Green_Rock_Alpine_Club Schede tecniche, raccolte fotografiche ed esperienze alpinistiche maturate tra le Alpi dei soci. 浙江瑞泰电力电子有限公司从事供电系统电压无功自动控制,电能质量监测。
- Conclusion The touch might have improvement on the physique and mind development and should be widely used in soci... 结论婴儿抚触对婴儿的神经精神和体格发育均有明显的促进作用,适于在社区医院广泛开展。
- Bergeron, M. J., 1899, Etudes de Quelques Trilobites de Chine. Bull. Soci Geol. France. Ser. III. 卢衍豪,1957.中国标准化石,无脊椎动物,第三分册(三叶虫部分)。
- Only the labourer's status and and the social equity be established,could the labourer's soci... 只有确立劳动者的地位,实现社会的公正、公平,才能实现劳动者社会价值与自我价值的统一。
- Karl Marx's th ought is quite different from Weber's, it is more explainable to capitalist soci ety, especially predatory capitalism. 马克思与韦伯的思路迥然不同,他的理论对资本主义、尤其是对掠夺性的资本主义的解释更为有力。
- And it also states that elements of the new and old soci al states coexist and interact in the course of the transition of social states. 指明了在社会形态转换过程中,新旧社会形态的因素彼此共存,相互渗透;
- Cooperativa_Agricola_di_Legnaia Cooperativa agricola dal 1903, presenta le produzioni dei soci, i servizi, link utili e le sedi. 联合早报网提供即时报道、新加坡、中国新闻、国际新闻、东南亚新闻。
- Les intellectuels Africains doivent tout faire pour d?velopper la bonne gouernance dans les associations et autres organisations de la soci?t? civile. 非洲的知识分子必须努力在公民社会内的各种组织机构里发展合理的治理模式。
- In our country, to keep the difference between richness and poverty in a rational degree, to accelerate the progress of constructing harmonious soci... 我国要使贫富差距保持在一个合理的限度,要加快构建和谐社会的进程,就必须在完善分配制度的同时重视人们思想问题的解决。
- Thus social contradictions and benefits clash can be solved by way of forming relative balanced benefits allotment structure, the reasonable soci... 通过形成相对均衡的利益分配格局,合理的社会成员构成结构,构建符合社会和谐需要的利益表达机制,来解决社会矛盾和协调利益冲突。
- Conclusion: Among the 4 factors, the aspect of te achers plays the most important role, then students themselves, schools and soci ety in turn. 结论4大影响因素中教师的影响作用最大,然后依次为学生本人、学校、社会。
- It aims to explore its soci al value, the point of departure and characteristics serving the modern socio-ec onomy of our country. 目的是探讨其社会价值,寻找与现代社会经济的结合点,找到其为社会经济发展的特殊方式。
- It is where soci zty goes to organize Marketing itself into structures of power.In order to makeense to an individual citizen, the city must speak itself ase wanders through it. 为了向市民个体展现自己的意义,当市民穿过它的时候,它必须向人们展示自己。
- Coming at the issue from another direction, James Montier, the commendably contrarian strategist at Soci t G n rale, asks a different question: when is it safe to buy bank shares? 从另一个角度来看这个问题,兴业银行(SocitGnrale)优秀的逆势操作战略家JamesMontier提出了一个不同的问题:什么时候可以安全地开始购买银行股票?
- It is commonly thought that our soci ety had dramatically changed by modern science &nbs p;and technology, and human had made extraordinary progress in knowledge and technology over th e recent decades. 人们普遍认为我们的现代科技使我们的社会发生了巨大的变化,近几十年人类在科技方面取得了惊人的进步。
- Dont, la s閞ie des embrayages automobiles, le syst鑝e de serrure, la S閞ies des suspensions ainsi que l\'amortisseur sont les articles essentiels de notre soci閠? 其中,汽车离合器系列、刹车系统、悬挂系列以及减震器是我们公司的主营项目。
- In the aspect of legislation thought,they have both difference and similarity.To analyze the Confucians legal culture is favorable to the construction of advanced culture and soci... 在立法思想层面,既比较了他们不同的地方,也比较了他们相通的地方,同与不同皆有其内在缘由,分析儒家法文化有助于建设先进的法文化,有利于建设社会主义的法治国家。