- He was found asleep on a pillow of leaves and moss. 有人看见他枕著树叶和苔藓睡著了。
- He is found asleep on a pillow of leaves and moss. 有人看见他枕着树叶和苔藓睡着了。
- The streets have been swept free of leaves. 街上的落叶已打扫乾净。
- The new medicine is the harvest of thirty years' research. 这种新药是三十年研究的成果。
- The arrangement of leaves on a stem. 叶序茎上叶子的排列次序
- The trees were left naked of leaves. 这些树光秃秃的,没有一片叶子。
- The bumper harvest of coffee last year is the cause of this year's weak market. 去年的咖啡大丰收是造成今年市场疲软的原因。
- A carpet of leaves covered the ground. 一层厚厚的落叶覆盖在地上。
- We reap the bountiful harvest of what we have sown. 乃是众人植树,众人享受丰硕果实。
- He reaped the harvest of his hard work. 他获得辛勤劳动的成果。
- A row, as of leaves or snow, heaped up by the wind. 被风吹而堆起来的一排(树叶、雪等)
- This year we gathered a rich harvest of grain. 今年我们的粮食丰收了。
- A ceiling of leaves over the arbor. 凉亭上面的树叶顶篷
- This year we had a record harvest of wheat. 今年我们的小麦收成是历年来最好的一次。
- But the harvest of 1621 was a bountiful one. 但1621年他们获得了大丰收.
- They found the body buried beneath a pile of leaves. 他们在一堆树叶下面发现了那具尸体。
- They got a good harvest of tomatoes. 他们获得西红柿丰收。
- A good harvest of rice is expected. 今年稻米可望丰收。
- They find the body bur beneath a pile of leaves. 他们在一堆树叶下面发现了那具尸体。
- A good harvest of rice is expected this year. 预期今年稻米会丰收。