- He had a hard job to make himself heard. 他好不容易才使别人听见他的声音。
- It's a hard job but I'll have a shot at it. 这工作不容易,可是我想试试看。
- It's a hard job but I'll have a shoot at it. 这工作不容易,可是我想试试看。
- We had a hard enough job to make ends meet. 那时我们要应付开支是很不容易的。
- Her show now has a hard political edge to it. 她现在的表演具有强烈的政治性。
- Verse 10 says we indeed have a job to do. 而他接著在第10节说,我们的确有工作要做。
- The seed has a hard exterior covering. 这种子外壳很硬。
- I still have a job to do that's far frome done. 我距离完成我的工作还有很多事情要做。
- We prefer to have a hard mattress. 我们更喜欢硬一点的垫子。
- She has a hard row to hoe with five children and her husband dead. 她死了丈夫,要照顾5个孩子,日子实在不好过。
- We prefer to have a hard mattress . 我们更喜欢硬一点的垫子。
- We must prepare ourselves to have a hard time. 我们必须准备过艰苦的日子。
- The doctors were having a hard time persuading him to lie down. 医生费了好大劲才劝他躺了下来。
- I'm afraid I have a hard time believing his stories. I want to check with the other companies Barnes worked for. 恐怕我很难相信他的那些故事。我想和巴恩斯以前工作过的其他公司核对一下。
- He had a hard time holding on to himself. 他好不容易才把自己控制住。
- My father has had a hard life and it's time he eased off a bit. 父亲辛苦了大半辈子,该享享福了。
- We had a hard time finding a ferry boat. 我们好不容易找到一只渡船。
- We had a hard time when father lost his job. 父亲失业,我们日子很难过。
- He had a hard time to hold on to himself . 他好不容易才控制住自己。
- He will be back home late because he has a job to close out. 因为有一项工作要完成,所以他会晚点回家。