- The children haven't had a bite to eat all day. 孩子们一整天什么也没吃过。
- He hasn't had a bite to eat all day. 他一整天什么也没吃过。
- I haven't had a bite (to eat) all morning. 整整一早晨我一口东西都没吃。
- He hasn' t had a bite ( to eat ) all day. 他整天都没吃东西。
- He hasn't had a bite (to eat) all day. 他整天都没吃东西。
- I have a fancy for sweet things to eat. 我喜欢吃甜食。
- You have to have a strong stomach to eat this food. 要想吃这种食物, 得不恶心才行。
- Do you have a pregame meal you like to eat? 有什么赛前餐是你爱吃的么?
- Let me have a bite of the bread. 让我咬一口面包。
- I have a hunch that he didn't really want to eat. 我有种直觉,他其实不想吃东西。
- Intestines and stomach have a fever what to eat? 肠胃型发烧吃什么啊?
- You are hungry. Why not have a bite? 你饿了,为什么不吃点东西呢?
- Sigh, I/'m so hungry. Can I have a bite? 噢,我肚子饿了。我可以吃一口吗?
- His remark has a biting edge to it. 他的话非常尖锐辛辣。
- I do not love to eat because of have a little the gamey smell . 不。我不爱吃,有种腥味。
- Don't wait for have a lot to share a bit. 不要等到拥有以后才开始分享一点。
- Don't wait to have a lot, to share a bit. 不要等拥有许多后,才分享这些。
- On't wait to have a lot, to share a bit. 不要等到拥有了很多;才去分享一些.
- I wish I had a big red sausage to eat now. “我要吃一个大大的红香肠,”
- Having a new baby to look after has clipped her wings a bit. 她有个新生婴儿要照看,活动难免受些限制。