- I can't beat you at tennis, but I have an edge on you in ping-pong. 我打网球打不过你,但打乒乓球我比你强。
- I have an edge on the other students because I studies harder. 我比别的学生学的好,因为我更用功。
- I can't beat you at tennis,but I have an edge on you in ping-pong. 我打网球打不过你,但打乒乓球我比你强。
- Miss Gavan would be glad.She had always had an edge on her, especially whenever there were people listening. 加汶小姐会很高兴,她向来总是要压她一头,特别是旁边有人在听着的时候。
- There are a lot of amazing strikers in the Premier League but Torres at the moment has an edge on the others. 在英超还有其他很多优秀的前锋,但托雷斯与他们相比,还是显得那么的独特。”
- That long walk has put an edge on my appetite. 长距离的步行后使我食欲大增。
- Miss Gavan would be glad. She had always had an edge on her, especially whenever there were people listening. 加文小姐会很高兴。她总是要压她一头,尤其是有旁人听着的时候。
- Miss Gavan would be glad . She had always had an edge on her , especially whenever there were people listening . 加文小姐会很高兴。她总是要压她一头,尤其是有旁人听着的时候。
- He was very busy, putting an edge on a scythe. 他正忙着干活,在磨一把长柄大镰刀的刃儿。
- They like to have an edge of mysteriousness. 药物治疗可服用维生素类药物。
- He gets an edge on other students because he works harder. 他比其他学生强,因为他更用功。
- He had an edge on from beer. 他喝了啤酒后微有醉意。
- Edwina admitted to herself, the opulence seemed to have an edge. 埃德温娜也不得不承认,富裕看来是有好处的。
- Have an edge on sb. 胜过某人。
- With your excellent language ability, you'll get an edge on other candidates. 有了出色的语言能力,你一定会战胜其他候选者的。
- Having an edge or a margin of a different color. 有不同色的边缘的或界限的
- Two countries are neighbouring if their boundaries have an edge in common. 如果两个国家的边界有公共边,则说它们是相邻的。
- he had an edge on the competition. 他在竞争中占有轻微的优势。
- We have an edge over the other team in height,so I'd say the odds are in our favor. 我们在身高上比另一队占优势,因此我觉得我们胜算很大。
- Thanks to his talent, he has an edge over the other actors. 他凭借自身才华,技压群雄,名列众演员之首。