- Some scientists claim that piranhas have an undeserved reputation for brutality and only travel in packs for protection against larger predators. 一些科学家宣称食人鱼们不该得到这样的名声,它们集体行动只是为了保护自己不被更大的捕食者所伤害。
- The 26-year-old virtuoso has an undeserved reputation for mugging. 这位26岁的音乐家,因为丰富的肢体语言与面部表情而声名在外。
- He has an undeserved reputation for financial wizardry, based upon his supposed expertise in rectifying the damage done by the bubble. 他恢复了泡沫经济所造成的破坏,俨然是一个专业的财政魔法师,但实际上他根本名不副实。
- has an undeserved reputation as a coward. 不应得的懦弱的名声。
- I lost Ruth and gained an undeserved reputation as a potential libertine. 我失去了露丝,却冤枉地担上了准浪子的名声。
- have an undeserved reputation 名实不符
- Still, it's an ill wind; you will have an unexpected holiday. 不过,这也并非完全的不幸,你会享受到一次意外的休假。
- 4.I lost Ruth and gained an undeserved reputation as a potential libertine. 我失去了露丝,却冤枉地担上了准浪子的名声。
- Can I have an advance against next month's salary? 我能从下月工资中预支一部分款项吗?
- We only have an a la carte menu. 我们只有分类菜单。
- He was told to have an eye to when the oil ran out. 他被告知得注意着石油何时用完。
- I have an appointment on Wednesday. 我星期三有个约会。
- “hua bing chong ji” means an undeserved reputation or a fantasy for consolation. “画饼充饥”比喻有虚名无实用,或以空想来自我安慰。
- A tissue is a group of similar cells which have an identical general function. 组织是一组具有相同的一般机能的类似细胞。
- Apparently, little is left but the undeserved reputation. 看来礼仪之邦已然徒有虚名。
- Soon he have an opportunity of explain that to her. 不久他便有了向她解释那件事的机会。
- Having an exceedingly bad reputation; notorious. 具有极坏名声的; 臭名昭著的
- The other provocatively suggests that the concept of empire has an undeservedly bad reputation and, further, the world could do a lot worse than having to live under a putative American empire. 另一观点则发人深省地指称,帝国的概念不应该如此受到百般责难,事实上这个世界若不用活在所谓美国帝国统治之下,情况可能更为糟糕。
- Have an apple of our own growth. 尝尝我们自己种的苹果吧。
- I'll have an abdominal operation tomorrow. 我明天要做个腹部手术。