- The development of the site will have implications for the surrounding countryside. 这个地点的开发将会影响周围的乡村。
- The results of the present study have implications for a team formation and composition. 本研究结论对于团队的组建和构成有着许多实际意义。
- This could have implications when the time comes to migrate content into the new portal. 这可能意味着随着时间的推移逐步将内容迁移到新的门户。
- This figure will have implications for the amount of gross new loans made in the following months. 这项数字将会影响以后的月份的新借出贷款总额。
- Taken together, these things have implications which are only beginning to be acknowledged. 综合起来看,这些事情的含意仅刚开始被人认识。
- This idea will have implications for what will happen to the phenomenon under various circumstances. 对于不同的情况下将要发生什么现象,本观点具有参考价值。
- OK, well, I suppose this will also have implications for the reception on Saturday night? 好,那么,我想这可能还意味着礼拜日的接待活动要有所调整了?
- He said the work had implications for public health. 他称这项研究对公众的健康有暗指。
- Any personal data changes should reported if they have implications on benefits entitlement at the University. 个人资料如有变动,可能会影响同人享有的附带福利,请尽早申报。
- MIDP environment also has implications for networked applications. MIDP环境也有对网络应用的需求。
- GREGG: OK, well, I suppose this will also have implications for the reception on Saturday night? 葛雷格:好,那么,我想这可能还意味着礼拜日的接待活动要有所调整了?
- Results of these earthbound investigations have implications for explorations of other planets. 这些针对地球的研究作为判据,被应用于对其他行星的研究中。
- These findings have implications for intraluminal protein breakdown and assimilation in the upper small intestine. 这些发现对于认识食物蛋白在上段小肠管腔内的裂解和消化吸收提供了新的启示。
- Further investigation will be required to determine whether such data will have implications for ablation strategies. 这些资料是否对消融策略有意义仍需要进一步的研究。
- The broader and ongoing reallocation of credit risk could have implications for financial stability. 现在正在进行的、对信贷风险重新进行更为广泛的安排,对金融稳定会有各种的关联。
- The findings have implications for the performance of men who flirt with women in the workplace, or even exam results in mixed-sex schools. 该发现或许可以有助于理解在工作场所与女性调情的男性的表现,或者甚至在男女混合学校的考试成绩。
- But Dr Dunlap's work has implications for other mammals, including people. 不过丹拉普博士的工作也同样对包括人类在内的其它哺乳动物有意义。
- This strategy requires administrative reorganization within CAS that will have implications for relations between the institutes and CAS leadership. 该策略还要求CAS的管理重组,这将影响到CAS同其研究所之间的关系,甚至CAS的领导地位。
- "The findings could have implications for targeting screening or disease prevention measures at partners of participants with one of these diseases," Cox added. “这一发现可能意味着我们应该对这类疾病患者的配偶实行定向隔离或采取预防措施,”科克斯补充道。
- The long-term memory gene may have implications for memory loss and progressive conditions like Alzheimer's disease, said Dr. Daniel L. Alkon, the institute's scientific director. 长期记忆基因能引起记忆丢失和渐进性的疾病如老年痴呆症。