- have no patience toward withadj. 不能容忍
- I have no patience with his roughness. 我不能容忍他的粗暴。
- He has no patience with children. 他对孩子没有耐心。
- I have no patience with people who like to smoke in restaurants. 我对喜欢在餐厅吸烟的人没耐心。
- I have no patience with the men who smash up their careers for women. 对于那些为了女人而毁了前程的人,我是毫无耐心的。
- She has no patience with (ie cannot tolerate) people who are always grumbling. 她腻烦那些总发牢骚的人。
- We had no patience with quibbling criticism. 我们不能忍受那种吹毛求疵的批评。
- She had no patience with her nosy neighbours. 她不能容忍爱管闲事的邻居们。
- "Oh, I have no patience with you, Fanny," said Bertha, a flush lighting up her face. “呕,你真使我受不了,范妮说
- He had no patience with the infirmities of human nature. 他对人性的软弱毫无耐心。
- have no patience towardadj. 不能容忍
- The masters have no patience with modern ideas of education, which they need of sometimes in The Times or The Guardian. 教师们断断续续地从《泰晤士报》和《卫报》上读到一些现代的教育思想,不禁嗤之以鼻。
- She has no patience with people who don't work and expect money to fall into their laps. 她不能容忍那些不劳动而期望钱财从天而降的人。
- Asking him to wait? He had no patience in cooling his heels. 让他久等?他是耐不住这个性子的。
- I had no patience with her,until one day her husband happened to be there during bath time. 我对她很没有耐性,直到有一天在为她洗澡的时候她的丈夫偶然也在场。
- He has no patience with people who don't work and expect money to drop into their laps. 他无法忍受那些,不劳动却望钱财自觉流进腰包的人。
- Hahahaha, I think the foreigner just have no patience, otherwise, I think he could understand what the lady is talking about, although her English is so poor. 我觉得老外应当能够懂,只要那个丫头不要太变调了,起码单词的意思她是弄明白了嘛!
- At the same time, the public has no patience with undemanding and superfluous high school offerings. 同时,公众对目前高中输出的大量的低质量的毕业生已经没有耐心了。
- We have really shown the utmost tolerance and patience toward these people. 我们对这些人,真可谓做到仁至义尽。
- And as an actor he has no patience for civil disobedience on the set. 作为一名演员他会对演员在片场不服从导演的安排表现得不耐烦。