- He did have the sense to play along with the school system. 他确实有理智,处处遵守学校的规章制度。
- Not have the heart to do something. 因为心地善良不忍心做某事。
- The little boy had the sense to make no reply. 这小孩很机智,避而不答。
- She had the sense to turn off the gas. 她知道关掉煤气。
- Many people do not have the power to continue to do something for a long time. 许多人做事没有恒心。
- You should have the sense to take advice when it is offered. 你要知道好歹,别人给你忠告,就该接受。
- I'm old enough to have the freedom to do as I like. 我已经足够大了,有权去做我喜欢做的事。
- Realize that if you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it. 假如你有时间为某件事唠叨咆哮,那麽你大可将用来投诉的时间解决那件事。
- She's always having the builders in to do something or other. 她总是让建筑工人到家里来干这干那。
- Bewildered and half drowned as I was, I had the sense to rush aft. 我已被淹得半死不活,昏头昏脑了,但还知道往船尾跑。
- Feel up to. When you feel up to doing something, you have the confidence or energy to do it. 觉得有能力处理某事。当你觉得有能力做某事时,表示你有信心并且有精力去做。
- He had the cheek to ask me to do his work for him. 他居然有脸叫我替他工作。
- It means having the resolve and the firm conviction to do something,a state of being determined. 它的含义是,决意并坚信要干成某事,就是拿定主意,坚定不移。
- He has the good sense to recognize a good man. 他真是慧眼识真才。
- People for the most part had the sense to conceal whatever imaginative qualms they experienced. 人们一般都想遮掩他们所经历到了一切无名的恐怖。
- I don't have the patience to do jigsaw puzzles. 我没有耐性做拼图游戏。
- Athletes should first have the sense of fair play. 运动员首先要有公平竞争的意识。
- To do a good job, we must have the right tools. 要干好活工具要对头。
- Janet had the bad sense to marry a lady's man. 珍尼特与一个有妇之夫结婚感觉很不好。
- To do good work, one must have the proper tools. 要干出像样的活得有合适的工具。