- I had visions of her walking in the snowstorm. 我想像着她在暴风雪中行走的样子。
- When I am a child,I have vision of being a prince. 小时候,我曾想像自己是个王子。
- Men have always had visions of a more perfect society. 人类总是向往更加完善的社会。
- I had visions of us getting hopelessly lost. 我想像我们完全迷失了方向。
- I had visions of us going on strike. 我想像我们正进行罢工。
- When I was a child,I had vision of being a prince. 小时候,我曾想像自己是个王子。
- I had visions of winning first prize in the contest. 我梦想在比赛中争得第一名。
- When I was a child, I had visions of being a prince. 小时候,我曾想像自己是个王子。
- Tom has visions of becoming a pop star when he grows up. 汤姆想象长大后成为一名流行歌曲的明星。
- Battalion UAV now does not have vision of allied Marines. 无人侦擦机现在可以看到盟友的海军陆战队员。
- David, in his secret heart, had visions of a sort of sublimated summer resort. 大卫在他心里设想著一个类似理想的避暑地。
- David, in his secret heart, have vision of a sort of sublimate summer resort. 大卫在他心里设想著一个类似理想的避暑地。
- David,in his secret heart,have vision of a sort of sublimate summer resort. 大卫在他心里设想著一个类似理想的避暑地。
- I have visions of Mark Cuban laughing diabolically throughout the game while stabbing a Don Nelson voodoo doll. 我可以看到库班在扎老尼尔森的小人的同时,整场比赛都笑得跟恶魔似的。
- Tea service of tea of a kongfu is placed above, beardless somebody can green tea of have visions of carefree. 一套功夫茶茶具摆在上面,无须有人就能想象到清茶一盏的悠然。
- Both Sinology and Sinology Study were based on multi cultures and should innately have vision of comparative culture. 二者都是在跨文化的基础上进行的,因而应具有自觉的比较文化视野。
- He was tantalized by visions of power and wealth. 他追求不到可望而不可即的权力和财富,受尽了折磨。
- Johnny was late getting home and, as usual, I had visions of him lying dead in some street. 约翰尼回家晚了,我又像往常一样似乎觉得他躺在某一条街上死了。
- I had visions of people hiding behind bushes holding machine guns guarding my security at night. 这让我联想到:月黑风高夜,他们手持机枪,隐藏在树丛中,保护我的安全。
- Hunger pains will ravage your stomach, and you will be having visions of your favorite foods. 饥饿的疼痛将折磨??的胃,并且出现看到自己最喜爱的食物的幻觉。