- I never forgot the symbolism of that counter, a divide representing the chasm between the 'haves' and 'have nots,' as money changed hands for goods and services. 我永远也忘不了那个柜台的象征意义。当人们递钱过来交换商品和服务时,柜台就是一个有钱人和穷人的分界线。
- Johan: Ja, wir werden es spielen."To have and have not" ist mein Lieblingslied bei Tiamat. 是,我们会演出这首歌的,“Tohaveandhavenot”是我最喜欢的Tiamat的歌曲。
- Some have and some have not in today's society. 当今的社会有些人富有而有些人则很贫穷。
- The other side is a socially responsible teacher who is deeply concerned with this ever-widening gap between the haves and have nots. 另一方面我又是一个怀有社会责任感的教师,深深关注贫富之间日益加深的鸿沟。
- This means the gap between the Habbison haves and have not the have-nots will grow even large larger than it already has. 陈博士说国家间渐增的互相依靠创造了一个巨大的使经济破裂的潜在危险。
- I met Tom in 1981 and have not seen him since then. 我在1981年见过汤姆,以后一直未见。
- I met Tom 1981 and have not seen him since . 我在1981年见过他,以后一直未见。
- Mk. 5:26 She had suffered much under many physicians and had spent everything she had and had not benefitted at all, but rather became worse. 可五26在好些医生手里,受了许多苦,又花尽了她所有的,一点也不见好,反倒更重了。
- I declined, and have not seen him since. 我拒绝了和从那以后没看见他。
- "And have not our human labors changed the earth"? “还有我们人类的劳动还没有改变地球吗?”
- What we have and haven't discussed is none of your business. 我们谈了什么,没谈什么都不关你的事。
- She had suffered much under many physicians and had spent everything she had and had not benefitted at all, but rather became worse. 在好些医生手里,受了许多苦,又花尽了她所有的,一点也不见好,反倒更重了。
- I have told you,and have not bought the yellow colour for me. 我告诉过你,不要给我买黄色的。
- We are young nobles, and have not yet worn our coronets. 我们是年青的贵胄,尚未能戴上冠冕。
- Bob went off alone and has not returned. 巴布一个人去的,尚未回来。
- She went off alone and has not returned. 她独自去了,尚未回来。
- Islands in the Stream and To Have and Have Not were both written on Bimini while Hemingway was staying at the Compleat Angler: he was one of the hotel's first guests in the mid 1930s. 而水下发现的那块约300英尺长的方形石块看起来就像是纵横的一段公路或者是一截倒塌的城墙。
- The girl went into a coma after the car accident three months ago, and has not woken up yet. 3个月前,汽车出事故以后,这个姑娘就昏迷过去了,至今还没有苏醒过来。
- One man had suffered a stoke and had not spoken for a long time. 曾经,有一个人中风瘫痪又失语了相当长一段时间。
- It is human,perhaps,to appreciate little that which we have and to long for that which we have not. 对我们具有的不怎么欣赏,而对我们不具有的却渴望得到。