- He tried to put a bold face on his failure. 他对自己的失败装出一副满不在乎的样子。
- The cake we made was somewhat of a failure. 我们做的蛋糕不大成功。
- As to the author of the book, I will hazard a guess. 关於这本书的作者,我来试猜一下。
- The car had its hazard warning lights on. 这辆汽车亮起了危险信号灯。
- Smoking is hazardous to your health. 抽烟有碍你的健康。
- Wet roads are a hazard to drivers. 道路湿滑会对司机构成危险。
- He was bewailing his failure in the examination. 他为考试不及格而悲伤。
- She was constantly spurred on by a fear of failure. 对失败的恐惧不断地激励着她。
- If I might hazard a guess, I'd say she was about30. 要是让我猜的话,我说她大概。
- He was stripped down for his failure in the exam. 他考试不及格受到严厉责骂。
- The failure of the plan was laid at his door. 这个计划失败被归罪于他。
- Smoking is a serious health hazard. 吸烟严重危及健康。
- His plan was foredoomed to failure. 他的计画注定要失败。
- He ascribed his failure to bad luck. 他把失败归于运气不佳。
- He felt miserable about his failure. 他对自己的失败感到悲哀。
- The travel company's failure bust up my holiday. 旅游公司的失误使我的假日泡汤了。
- Failure is the only highroad to success. 失败是通往成功的唯一之路。
- Rock-clibmers sometimes hazard their lives. 攀登岩石的运动员有时要冒生命危险。
- His foolish behavior led to his eventual failure. 他的愚蠢行为导致了他最后的失败。
- It was evident that the policy was a failure. 显然这项政策是失败的。