- She resigned as head of department. 她辞去了部门主管的职务。
- The head of department sticks to his principles. 系主任一向坚持原则。
- Head of department or departmental head. 部门领导,部门的头。
- He was promoted from head of department to principal. 他由系主任升格为校长。
- She's the head of the firm's personnel department. 她是公司人事部门的负责人。
- If a civil servant is arrested for suspected corruption offences, we are duty bound to inform his Head of Department. 若公务员因涉嫌贪污被捕,廉署有责任通知其所属部门的首长。
- Upon receipt of a corruption complaint against a civil servant, will the ICAC inform his Head of Department? 廉署若接获涉及某公务员的贪污举报,会否将举报告知其部门首长?
- The heads of Department came to see me and asked after my sick friend. 我们系的领导们来看望了我并询问了我那病友的情况。
- Originally, our HOD(Head of Department)said we need to interview them because so many students wanted to go to Shanghai. 因为报名的人多,所以主任说要选拔一下。
- For this reason, this reporter interviewed the Head of Department of the Hunan University Nuantong, tutor of doctoral students Lee Nim-ping. 为此,记者采访了湖南大学暖通系系主任,博士生导师李念平先生。
- Intern daily management is responsible by the head of department where there is relative trainee to train and offer instruction to intern. 实习生日常管理由所在实习岗位的主管部门全权负责,其主管部门须指定一名正式员工对实习生进行相关业务的培训与指导。
- There is a bolster across the head of the bed. 床头上有一个长枕垫。
- Second from left) Rachel Lam, Capi Lok and Tommy Cheng took photo with Prof. Gordon Tang, Head of Department of Finance and Decision Sciences (far left). 左二起)林诗琪,骆家璧和郑文杰于颁奖礼与财务及决策学系系主任邓裕南教授(左一)合照。
- The head of the dolphin popped up quite near the boat. 那海豚的头在离船很近的地方冒出来。
- J?rgen Elmeskov is Director of the Policy Studies Branch of the OECD Economics Department and will be acting Head of Department until a new Chief Economist takes up his duties. 约尔延.;埃尔梅斯柯夫是经合组织经济学部政策研究部主任,并将代理经济学部主任直到一位新的首席经济学家到任。
- Frank is now the head of a very large business company. 弗兰克现在是一家很大的商业公司的老板。
- Sorry, Miss, but I have no idea.I just do teaching and research.I have no insight regarding MPhil vacancies.Have you heard back from my Head of Department, Dr WS Siu? 于是我又跟了一封信去,大意是谢谢他的帮助,再问下有没有空缺,因为好像大多数人是研究别的方向的,这个方向比较少人。
- Most republic have president as head of state. 大多数共为国国家以总统为国家元首。
- The head of state was deposed by the army. 国家元首被军队废黜了。
- Charles is still in the running as a possible next head of the firm. 查理斯仍有希望当这家公司下一任的主管。