- health damage evaluation 健康损害评价
- "There has been no proved cases of health damage caused by the tiny amount of neodymium and chromium in the cosmetics so far," said the declaration. “到目前为止还没有过化妆品中微量的钕和铬损害健康的实例,”声明这样说到。
- Objective To investigate the health damage of workers exposed to trinitrotoluene (TNT) and provide some suggestion for health care of these workers. 摘要目的了解TNT(三硝基甲苯)对作业工人的健康损害,以提出对转产后病人的妥善安置。
- The aim of determining water inflow in oil shale is to provide information for casing damage evaluation in the process of oilfield development. 判断油页岩是否进水的主要目的是为油田开发过程中评价套损情况提供信息。
- To observe the health damage of N,N-dimethylformamide(DMF) to leather worker and provide basis for making the effective protection suggestion. 观测皮革作业工人二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)暴露对其健康损伤,为提出有效的防护建议提供依据。
- We suggest that government officials should strengthen the health damage advertisement campaigns aimed at betel quid chewing and screen targeted high risk groups for oral cancer. 因此建议应多加强宣导增加民众对于槟榔及口腔癌之相关性的认知,以减少嚼食槟榔的族群。
- The key parameters associated with damage evaluation consist of damaged length, peak ground acceleration, and liquefaction potential index. 灾损评估时的重要参数包括破坏长度、最大地表速度和液化潜能指数。
- Thereafter, during hearings concerning the proposed restart of Unit 1, NRC refused to consider claims that the renewed operation would cause severe psychological health damage to persons living in the vicinity. 所以,在审理一号反应堆试行再次启动期间,核监视委员会拒绝考虑重新启动是否会引起附近居民严重心理健康损伤问题。
- A mere risk of another accident at TMI, said the Court, was not a change in the physical environment, and served to lengthen the causal chain (from renewed operation of Unit 1 to psychological health damage) beyond the reach of NEPA. 法院认为,仅仅三哩岛的再次事故危害,也不致引起自然环境的改变,只是延长了因果链(从一号反应堆的再次启动到心理健康损伤),超出了《国家环境政策法》约束的范围。
- Punishments are essential for improvements, insofar as they imply that health damage and death tolls are infinitely more harmful and costly to a society than initial safety and health measures would have been. 要进步就要有惩罚措施,健康被毁和死亡远比早期采取安全和预防措施对社会造成的伤害来得大。
- When the organization and the medical personnel must take the emergency disposal measure immediately, reduces or prevents the damage consequence to the patient health damage to further expand.... 当机构及其医务人员应当立刻采取紧急处置措施,减轻对患者身体健康的损伤或者防止损伤后果进一步扩大。...
- nondestructive damage evaluation 无损探伤
- As is reported by NOAA, 73 people die after being hit by lightning each year, with several hundreds having their lives and health damaged. 据美国国家气象局报道,每年有73人因被闪电击中而死亡,另有数百人的生命和健康受到损害。
- Tactical Nuclear Damage Evaluation Model 战术核损毁估价模型
- She worried over her father's health. 她为父亲的健康担忧。
- "So, a reform in the pricing system of coal, to internalize all the environmental and health damage, and all the external damages, to have it reflect in the real price of coal," she said. 她说“所以,煤炭物价体系改革不仅使人们意识到煤对内外环境和健康的损害,同时也反映出了煤炭的真实价格,”她说。
- My father's health was undermined by drink. 我爸爸的健康逐渐为酒所损害。
- Mr.Black bowed out of politics due to poor health. 布莱克先生由于健康不佳而退出政治生涯。
- Smoking is detrimental to health. 吸烟封健康是有害的。
- Fresh air and exercise are good for the health. 新鲜空气和运动有益于健康。