- Psychiatric and mental health nursing. 精神和心理健康护理。
- In the East Perth Magistrates court on Saturday, Wright's lawyer Ernesto Godinez handed Magistrate Catherine Crawford a letter regarding his client from a mental health nurse. 在周六的东佩斯地方法庭上;赖特的律师伊么特.;高得尔提交给了法庭一份来自精神病中心的报告;证明他的当事人是患有精神疫病的
- This article describes a nursing process, through which a home health nurse assisted a caregiver on a SCI case with complicated acute urine retention using urine catheter. 摘要本报告是描述一位第二腰椎损伤个案因急性尿潴留而使用留置导尿管,由居家护理师协助照顾者重建个案排泄型态的居家护理过程。
- Maternal and Women's Health Nurse Practitioner 母亲和女性健康护理从业者
- The graduates are expected to do such jobs as horseracing match organizers and horse health nurses. 毕业后,学生可从事赛马赛事组织、马匹保健、骑术训练等工作。
- Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2004). Community & public health nursing (6th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby Year Book. 陈品玲(2001).;流行病学概论
- Wold, S. J. (1990). Community health nursing: Issues and topics. Norwalk: Appleton & Lange. 黄琏华等.;(1997)
- Stanhope, M., &Lancaster, J. (2004). Community &public health nursing (6th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby Year Book. 陈静敏等.;(2003)
- Some problems existing in Chinese public health nursing management are found out by research. 通过调查研究了解我国公共卫生护理管理中存在的问题;
- This paper assesses factors related to public health nurses' confidence in managing community SARS control programs. 本研究是对SARS在社区的控制管理,并评估相关大众健康护士的自信要素。
- Spradley, B. W. (1991). Readings in community health nursing (3rd ed.). Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 阮玉梅等(2000).;公共卫生护理学(二版)
- She worried over her father's health. 她为父亲的健康担忧。
- This study was of cross-sectional design using a questionnaire filled by 229 public health nurses in Health Stations in Taipei County. 归纳本研究发现,获致下列四项重要结果:(1)公卫护理人员参与在职教育可能同时受到一种或一种以上的动机及障碍因素所影响。
- Lundy, K. S & Janes, S ( 2001 ). Community Health Nursing -Caring for the Publics Health. ( 1ST edition.). J. B:Lippincott. 参考资料:尹祚芊等著作(2004)公共卫生护理学.;台北:永大
- These currently include general nursing, mental health nursing, learning disabilities nursing, children抯 nursing and midwifery. 目前包括普通护理专业,精神健康护理专业,残疾护理专业,儿童护理专业,产科护理专业。
- Luker, K., & Orr, J. (1992). Health visiting: Towards community health nursing(2nd ed.). Boston: Blackwell Scientific Publication. 左如梅等(1997).;公共卫生与公共卫生护理学
- Conclusion: The degree of burnout in mental health nurses is quite serious, we need to take further measures to change the situation. 结论:精神科护士的职业倦怠程度较为严重,需要采取进一步措施来改变这种现状。
- Swanson, J. M., & Nies, M. A. (1993). Community health nursing: Promoting the health of aggregates. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company. 黄琏华等(2002).;公共卫生护理概论(八版)
- The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of employee empowerment on job satisfaction among school health nurses (SHNs) in Taiwan. 摘要本研究目的是探讨台湾地区学校护理人员之员工充能对于工作满意度之影响。
- My father's health was undermined by drink. 我爸爸的健康逐渐为酒所损害。