- The gaps in health outcomes, that so often divide along the poverty line, are readily apparent here. 卫生结果的差距往往以贫困线为分界,在此显而易见。
- Our goals are to advance health outcomes for patients in Canada and the growth and vibrancy of the industry. 协会目标是使在加拿大的患者得到最好治疗,以及促进行业的发展。
- Future research with more uniform approaches "would help clarify the impact of soft drink consumption on nutrition and health outcomes," they say. 将来有着更多均一方法的研究“可以帮助我们澄清软饮料消费对于营养和健康的影响,”他们说。
- The effectiveness of multidisciplinary care (MDC) in improving health outcomes for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is uncertain. 多学科治疗(MDC)在改善CKD患者健康预后的有效性尚不肯定。
- First, measurement and dissemination of health outcomes should become mandatory for every provider and every medical condition. 首先,衡量和传播健康产出对每一个供应商和每一个医疗单位是强制性的。
- Dena M. Bravata, M.D., M.S., Of Stanford University, Calif., And colleagues evaluated the association between pedometer use and physical activity and health outcomes among adults. 加州斯坦福大学医学博士、理学硕士Dena M.;Bravata及其同事对成年人使用计步器与身体活动和健康结果之间的关系进行了评估。
- I admire the way countries in this region join forces, with the wealthier countries funding initiatives designed to improve health outcomes for the poor. 我赞赏该区域各国团结力量的方式,由较富裕的国家为旨在改善穷人卫生结果的行动提供资金。
- In addition, health plans should be required to measure and report their subscribers' health outcomes, starting with a group of important medical conditions. 此外,健康计划应该来衡量和报告其用户的健康产出,这一过程首先是通过一组重要的医疗条件开始。
- After adjusting for these variables, we found that participants with the highest HEI scores did not experience significantly better overall health outcomes. 根据这些因子加以校正后,我们发现,HEI分数最高的人,整体健康并没有较好的结果。
- The bottom line: Differences in healthcare costs and health outcomes, either over time or across countries, depend on a lot more than the national system of health insurance. 要旨:无论是一段时间内还是在不同国家中,医疗费用和健康状况的不同不只是取决于国家健康保险体系。
- The authors say that a "true test" of links between a consumer product such as soft drinks and health outcomes requires a critical mass of large studies employing strong methods. 研究者说对诸如软饮料的消费品和健康结果之间的关系进行一个真正的实验,需要一些足够大量的应用了强有说服力方法的研究来支撑。
- The article is to measure burden of disease only considering death. We should analyze the data with disability adjusted life years (DALY) to quantify health outcomes more comprehensively and reasonably. 只是从死亡影响健康的角度来评价徐汇区疾病负担 ,要更加全面合理的评价健康水平 ,需要用 (disabilityadjustedlifeyears ,DALY )指标进一步分析
- "These animals sere as canaries in the coal mine for human females, teaching us how synthetic chemicals might affect our nerous system deelopment, immune function, fertility and other health outcomes. 这些动物对人类女性来说就像煤矿中的金丝雀,告诉我们合成的化学物如何影响我们的神经系统发育,免疫功能,生育及其他健康问题。
- "Vitamin D is an important and underappreciated public health issue and may be responsible for some racial differences in health outcomes," Ginde said."Most Americans could use more vitamin D. “维生素D是一个重要但未被充分认识的公共健康问题,对健康状况的某些种族差异可能也有一定作用,”金德说:“多数美国人可以用更多的维生素D。
- They range from investing in prevention to expanding the use of health information technologies to rejigging incentives so that doctors get paid for health outcomes rather than for treatments. 有的建议投资进行预防,有的建议扩大健康信息技术的使用,还有的建议改变奖励机制,以医治成效,而不是以治疗过程来进行奖励。
- She worried over her father's health. 她为父亲的健康担忧。
- Methods The health outcome of 118 workers exposed to low level mixture of benzene, toluene and xylene and 119 no-exposed workers (controlled) was investigated. 方法观察118名从事混苯作业人员,对照119名条件相当非接触混苯的行政人员健康状况。
- Garratt A, Schmidt L, Mackintosh A, Fitzpatrick R. Quality of life measurement: bibliographic study of patient assessed health outcome measures. BMJ 2002; 324: 1-5. 台湾版世界卫生组织生活品质问卷发展小组:台湾简明版世界卫生组织生活品质问卷之发展及使用手册(第一版)。国立台湾大学公卫学院生活品质研究室,2000。
- My father's health was undermined by drink. 我爸爸的健康逐渐为酒所损害。
- Mr.Black bowed out of politics due to poor health. 布莱克先生由于健康不佳而退出政治生涯。