- If you have, or suspect to have a health problem, you should consult your healthcare provider. 如果你有,或疑有健康问题,你应该请教你的医护人员。
- "Patients taking clopidogrel should consult with their healthcare provider if they are currently taking or considering taking a PPI, including Prilosec OTC," the statement noted. 该声明提到,“服用氯吡格雷的患者如果他们现在服用或考虑服用某种质子泵抑制剂,包括非处方药奥美拉唑,应咨询自己的医生。”
- Unfortunately, the research employees at the Miami Children Hospital Research Institute had patented the gene and refused to allow any healthcare provider to offer the test without paying a royalty. 不幸的是迈阿密儿童医院研究所已经将其申请专利并拒绝允许任何医疗提供者不付使用费而进行试验。
- Discontinuation of the product may cause a rebound effect (worsening of the condition) and you should therefore consult your doctor or healthcare provider about suitable treatments. 终止该产品可能会引起反弹效应(恶化的情况下) ,并因此,你应征询医生或医护人员提供约合适的治疗方法。
- They include scientists, healthcare providers, activists, political and business leaders and people living with the disease. 他们包括科学家、医疗单位、活动家、政界及商界领袖和携带病的人。
- They forbid healthcare providers from sharing health information with employers, for instance. 条例禁止健康护理提供者与其雇主共享(病人的)健康信息。
- She commented further: "These guidelines help pediatric healthcare providers to understand the use of ABPM in monitoring children's BP. "她还提到:这项指南帮助儿科健康保健人员接受使用动态血压来监测儿童血压。
- Many healthcare providers view technology, such as bar-code systems for medication dispensation, as one way to reduce the risk of error. 很多医疗保健提供者将技术(例如用药分配的条形码系统)视为减少差错风险的一种方法。
- "However, healthcare providers and patients need to be aware of the risks associated with these drugs to develop the best plan for using NSAID therapy. “但是,保健部门和病人需要了解该类药物的相关风险来制定非甾体类抗炎药的最佳应用方案。
- Until that time, healthcare providers are advised to consider the risks and benefits of cefepime therapy as described in the safety labeling and the meta-analysis. 到那时候,FDA将通知医疗供应商考虑安全标签和荟萃分析中描述的头孢吡肟疗法的风险获益。
- Healthcare providers do recognize the value of an up-to-date IT infrastructure upon which to build applications that support patient care and organizational business objectives, CDW said. CDW表示,医疗保健提供者确实认可先进IT基础设施的价值,在此基础之上建立的应用程序可以支持患者保健与组织商业目标。
- Healthcare providers within a network agree to perform services for managed-care plan patients at pre-negotiated rates and will usually submit the claim to the insurance company for you. 一个网络中的保健护理者同意以事先商订的价格,为特殊护理计划的病人提供服务。一般来说需要为您向保险公司提交申请。
- The evolution of HL7 is improving workflow throughout the healthcare industry, and as technology continues to improve, so too will the quality, accuracy, and efficiency of healthcare providers. HL7为医疗服务提供者带来的革命是:持续改善的流程、持续改善的资讯科技,进而同步改善品质、准确性与效率。
- The eldest son is the family's only provider. 那长子是唯一挣钱养家的人。
- healthcare provider 保健服务提供者
- Low utilization ratio of healthcare resources. 卫生资源利用效率不高。
- Shandong Tianli Healthcare Food Co., Ltd. 山东天力保健食品有限公司。
- Help reduce the cost of healthcare. 帮助减少医疗成本。
- Journal of Healthcare Management. 保健管理杂志》刊载医院与保健机构管理方面的文章、实例报告和书评,包括规划与政策、财务、人事、制度和设备管理等。
- Obesity will cost healthcare system a lot. 肥胖将给医疗保健体系造成很大压力。