- heat by lalonge lamp 卤素灯加热
- The house is shaded from the midday heat by those tall trees. 高高的树木使这所房子避开了正午的炎热。
- The heat by now had banked itself in the tent. 帐蓬里的热气愈积愈厚。
- Man can make heat by burning wood,coal and gas. 人可以用燃烧柴,煤,煤气的办法产生热量。
- Man can make heat by burning wood , coal and gas. 人可以用燃烧柴,煤,煤气的办法产生热量。
- Man can make heat by burning wood, coal and gas. 人可以用燃烧柴,煤,煤气的办法产生热量。
- A fixed star can emit light and heat by itself. 恒星本身发光发热。
- The comet's ice, heated by the sun, rapidly and spectacular sublimate to gas. 彗星上的冰块在太阳热的作用下迅速而壮观地升华成气体。
- You should ensure against loss of heat by having double glazing. 你应装双层玻璃以免散热。
- You should insure against loss of heat by having double glazing. 你应装双层玻璃以免散热。
- Of or relating to the production of heat by electricity. 用电生热的用电生热的;与用电生热有关的
- They were heated by the news I told them. 我带来的消息令他们激动不已。
- The body transmits heat by radiation and receives heat by the same process. 人体通过辐射散热并通过同样的过程接受热。
- The gas is heated by photoionization. 气体是由光致电离加热的。
- Why don't you turn down your heating by one degree? 你为什么不把暖气调低一度呢?
- He was heated by the long climb. 长时间攀爬使他浑身发热。
- This classroom is heated by two stoves. 这间教室靠两个火炉取暖。
- You should ensure yourselves against loss of heat by having double glazing. 你应该使用双层玻璃以免热量损失。
- You should ensure against yourself loss of heat by having double glazing. 你应装双层玻璃以防止散热。
- You should ensure yourself against loss of heat by having double glazing. 你应装置双重玻璃以免散热。