- Fig.6 The effect of heat input on the UTS of the TIG welded joints. 图6线能量与钨极氩弧焊焊接接头极限抗拉强度的关系。
- It is found that the height of dryout point decreases as heat input increases. 研究结果表明,理论模型的计算结果与实验结果比较吻合;
- Manual limiting switches with indicating lights---permits manually limiting heating input by switching off current to each contactor.. 人工限制开关配置指示灯---使得能够通过开关每个电流接触器的电源达到人工控制输入功率的目的
- Weld whose heat resource is the laser, also owns the advantage such as low heat input and small heat deform. 以激光为热源的焊接同样也可以得到低热输入、变形量极少的效果。
- Fig.9 The effect of heat input on the average microhardness of both the HAZ and FZ. 图9焊接线能量与焊接接头熔合区和热影响区微观硬度的关系。
- The experiments show that laser welding with filler wire Alsi12 cna minimize hot crack due to the smallest amout of heat input into the ease material. 工艺实验表明 ,采用填充焊丝AlSi12激光焊接可有效抑制热裂纹的产生
- The heat input of gasification using coalite as solid heat carrier comes from combustion heat of the solid heat carrier in riser. 固体热载体煤气化的热量靠提升燃烧产生。
- Abstract: The feature of new developed HSLA steels for large heat input welding with low susceptivity to weld cracking was presented. 摘 要: 简要叙述了新研制的大线能量焊接低焊接裂纹敏感性调质高强度钢的特点。
- The operating frequency mainly depends on the length of system, while the amplitude depends on the heat input and stack position. 谐振频率主要受系统的长度影响,而声波振幅则与输入功率及板叠在谐振管中的相对位置相关。
- So it was concluded that lower heat input and suitable preheated temperature should be adopted to control grain size and microstructure morphology. 因此为提高焊接粗晶区的韧性,应采用小线能量和合适的预热温度来控制晶粒尺寸和组织形态。
- It also expands boiler house efficiency and flexibility by distributing total heat input amongst boilers and maintains a wide steam production range. 同时增加锅炉房的效率和灵活性,将总的热输入量分配各个锅炉,保持大范围蒸汽生产。
- So the heat input should be kept low to weld galvanization steel sheet.In this paper the MIG welding machine is adopted with special sold... 因此,焊接镀锌板一定要减少热输入量,采用特殊的钎焊材料和性能优良的MIG焊机进行焊接。
- The microstructure of the deposited metal and the effect of the welding heat input on the formation of the deposited metal are studied. 分析了堆焊熔敷金属的显微组织,研究了焊接线能量对堆焊层金属显微组织形成的影响。
- Numerical computation of3 D welding temperature distribution was carried out by using element birth and death to simulate the forming of weld bead and welding heat input. 在用有限元进行焊接温度场的数值计算中,通过控制单元的生死,来模拟焊缝的形成和焊接热量的输入,计算结果与焊接温度测试结果很接近。
- The complex inclusions in CGHAZ promote the acicular ferrite formation, which is associated with heat input and affects the mechanical properties of CGHAZ. 结果表明:CGHAZ中复合夹杂物可促进针状铁素体的形成,针状铁素体的数量与输入线能量有关并显著影响CGHAZ的力学性能。
- A change in the temperature of the input stream to a tank brought about by a loss of cooling or an increase in heat input may cause overpressure in the tank. 进罐物料流的温度改变,会带来冷却介质的损失或输入热量的增加,进而会导致罐内压力超出限制。
- Dean Kamen has also developed a water distillation, cogeneration system optionally based on a Stirling engine electric generator for both electrical and heat input. 迪安卡门还制定了水蒸馏,热电联产系统选择的基础上斯特林发动机发电机为电气和热输入。
- A new large heat input welding high strength low alloy steel with low susceptivity to weld cold cracking was developed and the cold strain aging behavior was investigated. 研制了一种低焊接裂纹敏感性高能量输入焊接用低合金高强钢,并研究了其冷应变时效行为。
- The heat flux in Gauss distribution heat input model employed in numerical simulation of line heating is determined by heating efficiency and heating radius that are determined by acetylene flow rate in turn. 摘要水火弯板数值计算所用高斯分布的热源模型中热流密度由热效率和热源半径决定,而热效率和热流密度主要取决于乙炔流量。
- Heat input by direct steam injection is more efficient than indirect heating and, in addition, the PDX unit is an hygienic, "clean bore”pipe fitting that requires very little cleaning. 用直接的蒸汽喷射加热比间接的加热效率高,同时,PDX容器是一个卫生的“干净孔”管道设备,其本身需要很少的清洁。