- The elite heavy cavalry for the Crown of Aragon. 素质:精英类型:后期专业部队阿拉贡的精英重骑兵。
- Turkish heavy cavalry with lance and mace to deal punishment. 土库曼枪骑兵装备锋利骑枪和狼牙棒,如怒涛狂涌,锐不可当。
- The army consists mainly of Mamluk heavy cavalry armed with spears and bows, supported by infantry of variable quality. 军队主要由水准参差不齐的步兵团和装备着长矛和弓的马木留克重骑兵组成。
- Favouring a light lance and mace, they fill the niche between light and heavy cavalry. 他们装备轻型骑枪和狼牙棒,战力介于轻型和重型骑兵之间。
- These Khwarizmi are well equipped and protected heavy cavalry ready to fight for whomever can afford them. 花剌子模重骑兵装备精良,随时准备为高价雇主而效命沙场。
- Recruited in Moorish Iberia, these troops are trained and well equipped heavy cavalry, capable of deadly charges. 格兰纳达枪骑兵来自伊比利亚地区的摩尔族裔,是训练有素盔甲精良的重骑兵,冲锋威力惊人。
- Elite cavalry influenced by western techniques, this heavy cavalry is a force to be reckoned with. 奥匈侠义骑士是深受西方技术影响的精锐骑兵,极为骁勇善战。
- Composed of nobility and commoners alike, these men make up a powerful unit of heavy cavalry. 素质:高级类型:后期专业部队意大利重骑兵成员复杂,贵族平民混编成军,属于重装骑兵。
- These are close fighting heavy cavalry recruited from the Moors of southern Spain. 格兰纳达枪骑兵来自西班牙南部地区的摩尔族裔,属于重装近战骑兵。
- Impressivezooking heavy cavalry, well mprotected byt armour for cboth rider and mount. Equipped with lance and pmace. 哥特骑士装备极为精良,无论人马都披挂重甲,用骑枪和狼牙棒在敌军中杀开血路。
- Wealthy Kwarezmian cities have many men capable of equipping themselves as heavy cavalry, and turning out as militia in time of need. 素质:民兵类型:都市民兵在东欧广袤土地上,遍布其间的诸多城镇需要武装防御突厥和鞑靼骑兵滋扰。
- Although lacking the massive mounts of heavy cavalry they can still overwhelm lesser infantry due to the speed of their light horses. 虽然缺乏重骑兵的支援但由于他们行动快速,仍可以对付少量步兵。
- Well armoured and equipped, and practiced in heavy cavalry tactics these knights make a fearsome addition toxany Polish army. 波兰骑士装备精良,精熟重骑兵战术,乃波兰军队之杀手镧。
- Wealthy Italian cities have many men capable of equipping themselves as heavy cavalry, and turning out as militia in time of need. 素质:民兵类型:都市民兵意大利城邦令许多人们得以自行购置重装骑兵装备,一旦国家有命即披挂上阵。
- Their armour can be also be upgraded, allowing them to take on heavier cavalry. 装备精良盔甲后,他们足以与重装骑兵近身肉搏。
- They are well disciplined professional soldiers who fight as heavy cavalry with unbroken lances, and are well protected by the finest Italian plate armour. 他们是军纪严明的职业重装骑兵,身穿意大利精良板甲,手持沉重骑枪杀入敌阵。
- Nothing like it had been seen since the taking of the great redoubt of the Muskowa by the heavy cavalry;Murat was lacking here, but Ney was again present. 自从夺取莫斯科河炮台以来,还不曾有过这种以大队骑兵冲杀的战争,这次缪拉不在,但是内伊仍然参与了。
- These swordsmen are capable of breaking pike formations and wreaking havoc amongst less well armed and trained units.They do however, need to be wary of heavy cavalry. 剑士部队擅长冲击长枪方阵,对其他轻装民兵部队更是所向披靡,但若遭遇敌军重骑兵,则未免死伤惨重。
- They are well disciplined professional soldiers who fight as heavy cavalry with unbroken lances, and are well protected by the finest Roman plate armour. 他们是军纪严明的职业重装骑兵,身穿罗马精良板甲,手持沉重骑枪杀入敌阵。
- Riding small native Irish horses, 'hobins", which are well suited to the marshes and rugged terrain of Ireland, the Gaelic Hobiguir are able to outmaneuvre heavier cavalry with ease. 霍比居骑兵骑乘的霍宾马种体格坚韧,对爱尔兰地区的沼泽丛林适应极佳,因此能令他们在此轻松击败更为重装的骑兵部队。