- heavy armoured battalion 重坦克营
- The Nordland Division's panzer battalion alone had heavy armoured vehicles in the shape of 26 StuG III assault guns and 2 Panther tanks, of which only half were operational at any time. “诺德兰”师的装甲大队有26辆III型突击炮和2辆黑豹,但是只有一半可以作战。
- Superior Bill militia, armed with a billhook and heavy armour. 重装钩镰民兵身穿重甲,为民兵部队之精锐。
- Given some training, equipped with a pike and heavy armour, these troops are one of the toughest units available. 他们接受一些训练,装备矛和重甲,这些队伍十分坚韧。
- These well trained warriors are protected by heavy armour and wield a mighty two-handed sword. 他们使用巨大的双手剑。兹伟双手剑是非常沉重但是几乎能把所有步兵的盔甲切开。
- Girded in heavy armour, Norse Axemen can absorb much punishment, before they dish out threefold. 北欧斧兵身披重甲,其凶悍猛扑可令任何部队血肉横飞,溃不成军。
- Influenced by both Iberian and Moorish light cavalry traditions, Jinetes shun heavy armour and lances in favour of light armour and javelins. 深受伊比利亚和摩尔战术风格影响,骑兵们摒弃了重装盔甲和骑枪,而代之以轻甲标枪。
- Unable to afford the expensive heavy armour of a western style knight, many nobles stick to their nomadic roots as heavy horse archers. 素质:精英类型:封建兵种由于无力购置昂贵的西欧重装骑士装备,很多匈牙利贵族效法游牧祖先们的重装弓骑兵。
- Dismounted Bajorija continue to wield their preferred combination of axe and shield and maintain the use of their heavy armour. 步行作战时,他们身穿重型盔甲,仍然挥舞钟爱的战斧和盾牌对敌阵舍命猛扑。
- The Norman Knight's exceptional ferocity, and heavy armour make him feared on any battlefield, even when fighting dismounted. 诺曼骑士们装备精良,极为骁勇善战,令敌军闻风丧胆,即便步战亦同样所向披靡。
- Nomadic elite warriors, combining heavy armour, a strong warrior ethos, and a good charge, these units can be devastating on the battlefield. 素质:高级类型:后期专业部队游牧精英战士,结合重装甲,拥有好战的战士性格,这些单位是战场的毁灭武器。
- Material-wise take in example of the light blue heavy armour, the other few materials are similar with few exceptions like the leather undersuit and some chromed parts. 明智地使用材质包括亮蓝色重盔甲的例子,其它一些材质也与此相似,只有很少部分是例外,比如皮革内衣和一些铬材质的部件。
- As a matter of fact, the 6-pounder had fully displayed its high capability in the fighting in that area, destroying even the German Tiger tank reputed to a very heavy armoured vehicle. 事实上,6磅反坦克炮表现出高超的战斗性能,甚至摧毁德军装甲厚重的虎式坦克。
- Their equipment and fighting style has been influenced by their Christian foes, as they emphasise heavy armour and shock tactics more than the light cavalry tactics of their forebears. 其装备和作战风格颇受基督教敌手影响,更为强调重型盔甲和冲锋威力,与其前辈骑兵的轻装突袭风格大异其趣。
- Wielding a large two handed axe and the heaviest armour available to them, what these axemen lack in tact they make up for with sheer brute force. 他们通常身穿极为重型的盔甲,挥舞著双手巨斧,在敌阵中狂呼酣战,以极度凶残血腥来弥补自身机动不足的缺陷。
- Heavy Armourer can significantly improve the armour available to new and retrained units. 重甲工坊可以为军队提供更为精良的盔甲。
- Heavy Armourer combines the skills of chainmail maker, leatherworker and iron-smith to produce good suits of armour and helms. 重甲工坊汇集各种链甲工匠、皮甲工匠和铁匠,以便制作更为优质的盔甲。
- He lugged a heavy handcart along. 他使劲拉走那笨重的手推车。
- The growing popularity of the crossbow in the Middle East, amongst both Christians and Muslims corresponds to heavier armour being employed more widely amongst troops, particularly cavalry. 无论基督国家或伊斯兰世界,重装部队都日益广泛投付作战,骑兵盔甲尤为坚固,因此中东地区弩兵部队亦随之发展壮大。
- He made manful efforts to move the heavy furniture. 他作出勇敢的努力搬动沉重的家具。