- A heavy downpour interrupted the football match. 一场骤雨中断了这场足球赛。
- The clouds broke after the heavy downpour. 乌云在倾盆大雨过后驱散了。
- It is not heavy downpour, but comes very often. 不是倾盆大雨,但是经常下雨,土地富饶肥沃。
- He was caught in a heavy downpour. 他赶上一场倾盆大雨。
- The traffic was cut off by the heavy downpour. 由于倾盆大雨,交通断绝了。
- The heavy downpour took people by surprise. 这场大暴雨来得可真突然。
- One night we were caught by a thunderstorm [heavy downpour]. 一天晚上我们碰上了一场雷阵雨[暴雨]。
- One night we were caught by a thunderstorm (heavy downpour). 一天晚上,我们碰上了一场雷阵雨(暴雨)。
- A heavy downpour like this in summer is sure to let up soon. 在夏天这么大的雨肯定很快就会停的。
- One day, a heavy downpour caused the wall of his house to crumble. 一天,一场倾盆大雨冲坏了他家的围墙。
- A heavy downpour caused the wall of his house to crumble. 一天,一场倾盆大雨冲坏了他家的围墙。
- The umbrella was a poor shelter from the heavy downpour. 雨伞挡不住这倾盆大雨。
- It was the heaviest downpour ever recorded. 那是有史以来最大的一场暴雨。
- There was a heavy downpour. 下了一阵暴雨。
- The wind changed round suddenly last night and brought with it a heavy downpour. 昨晚风向突然变了,随之而来的是一场瓢泼大雨。
- A heavy downpour; a deluge. 骤雨,奔流极大的降水; 狂风大雨
- About 70% of the total rainfall as heavy downpour in the summer monsoon months and 30% in winter. 夏季季风季节的暴雨占总降雨量的70%25,冬季占30%25。
- During the Grand Finale, the turned yellowish sky splashed a heavy downpour on everybody suddenly.He won. 在接近尾声的那一刻,昏黄的天空竟然下起大雨来,成了当天晚上的最大主角!
- The storm increased in violence, and the heavy downpour beat upon the back of the colossus amid claps of thunder. 风暴更猛了。从滚滚雷声中,能听到瓢泼大雨打在那巨兽的背上。
- After supper, I was caught in a heavy downpour, which the weather report has been predicted for several days. 晚上刚吃完饭,忽然倾盆大雨,预报了几天的阵雨终于准了一回。