- help without stint 慨然相助
- My wife spent money without stint. 我太太花钱如流水。
- She gave of her time and money without stint. 她对拿出时间和金钱从来都不会舍不得。
- He's been smoking without stint. 多年来他无节制地抽烟。
- She praises her pupils without stint. 她极力夸奖自己的学生。
- He lavished money on his children without stint. 他在孩子们身上花钱毫不吝惜。
- Do not spend money without stint. 不要花钱像流水。
- He lavishes money without stint and often many buys gifts for us. 他对钱毫不吝惜,经常买许多礼物给我们。
- Nature indeed provides without stint the main requisites of human happiness. 对于人的幸福的主要必需品,大自然的确是毫不吝啬地供应。
- He gave to them all, without stint, from his illimitable store of realization. 剧作家和醉汉。他毫无保留地给予他们所有自己的实现。
- Thankful the help without private from advisor WANG Wei and all teachers. 非常感谢王伟老师以及全体指导教师对我段学习生涯的无私帮助。
- The girl had in her father's house been accustomed to use everything without stint and without reproach. 按照习俗女孩必须在他父亲的房间里,使用任何东西,且并不会被撵走或责备。
- The feeling of helplessness that so many Americans are complaining about now, that urge to help without a means, is only amplified here on Koh Samui. 那种无助的感觉,那种被很多美国人抱怨的着急却使不上劲的感觉,在苏梅岛显得更加强烈。
- He gave me money without stint. 他给我钱毫不吝惜。
- The feeling of helplessness that so many Americans are complaining about now, that urge to help without a 9)means, is only 10)amplified here on Koh Samui. 那种无助的感觉,那种被很多美国人抱怨的着急却使不上劲的感觉,在苏梅岛显得更加强烈。
- Here is goodness without mixture, bounty without stint, mercy without chiding, love without change, favor without reserve.If God's goodness does not satisfy us, what will?What! 因为上帝的美善是纯全不掺假的,是丰厚没有局限的,是慈悲怜悯没有指摘的,是没有保留的爱,是永不改变的关怀。
- I appeal to the owners of plants, to the managers, to the workers, to our own Government employees, to put every ounce of effort into producing these munitions swiftly and without stint. 我号召工厂的东道主--经理--和工人--号召我们自己的政府人员--把一点一滴的努力都用于迅速、不懈不怠地生产军火。
- She praised them without stint. 她极力夸奖他们.
- Wherever it is possible, he tries to help. 只要有可能,他总是设法帮忙。
- I'll do everything possible to help you. 我会尽一切可能帮助你。