- hemorrhage from stomach meridian 胃经失血
- My father suffered from stomach ulcer for a long time. 我父亲患胃溃疡已经很长时间。
- hemorrhage from stomach 胃出血
- Hemorrhage from the surface of the tumor creates a guaiac positive stool. 肿瘤的表面可见出血,大便隐血实验阳性。
- Mainly the gyri are affected with hemorrhage from contusions and lacerations. 脑回挫裂伤引起出血。
- Dewberry was taken to hospital suffering from stomach pains at the beginning of the week. 在本周初米歇尔因为胃疼被送进了医院。
- Metastatic skin signet-ring cell carcinoma originating from stomach or colon is rare. 摘要转移性皮肤戒环细胞癌是很少见的,暗示他的来源可能是胃或是大肠。
- Methods To analysis 25 cases with traumatic basal ganglia hemorrhag from 1995 to 2006. 方法分析我院1995至2006年外伤性基底节区出血患者25例。
- Hemorrhage from the maxillary artery can be a serious problem in maxillo-facial injuries. 摘要内颔动脉出血是颅颜外伤病患严重的问题。
- Of all the GISTs,51.2% cases originated from stomach,19.7% from small intestine,11.0% from esophagus,10.2% from colon and rectum. GIST的好发部位依次是胃(51.;2%25)、小肠(19
- Changes of the activity residuals rate of SBA from stomach to duodenum and duodenum to front-jejunum were significant(P<0.05). 其中由胃到十二指肠和由十二指肠到空肠前的残留率变化均达到了显著水平(P<0.;05)。
- Methods Recent documents and data about subhyaloid hemorrhage from internal and international was analyzed. 方法查阅近年国内外有关文献资料,并分析评述。
- Methods Clinical data of 43 cases of late postpartum hemorrhage from 1999 to 2004 were analyzed retrospectively. 方法对1999-2004年43例剖宫产术后晚期产后出血的病例进行回顾性分析。
- Suffering from stomach cancer or colorectal cancer patients, this drink on an empty stomach every morning, porridge, a 15-day course of treatment. 患有胃癌或肠癌的患者,每天早晨空腹喝下此粥,15天为一个疗程。
- The BALB/C strain mice of senility were irrigated juice of the black mulberry and the Yaxuenuo from stomach for 45 days. 以鸭血糯米提取液、黑桑椹水提取液给老龄BALB/C小鼠灌胃,剂量分别为0。
- The subarachnoid hemorrhage from a ruptured aneurysm is more of an irritant producing vasospasm than a mass lesion. 动脉瘤破裂引起蛛网膜下腔出血的原因,血管痉挛比破裂多见。
- Objective: To evaluate the findings of perifocal edema on CT scan in differentiating acute intratumoral hemorrhage from simple intracerebral hematoma. 目的:探讨灶周水肿对脑瘤卒中与单纯脑出血的CT鉴别诊断的辅助价值。
- If you have a cut it can stop the bleeding, or it can be taken internally to relieve pain from stomach ulcers by creating more mucous and coating the wall of the stomach. 如果你被割伤,它可以让伤口停止流血,或内服增加的粘液,在胃上附上一层保护膜,减轻胃溃疡带来的痛感。
- The indications of surgical intervention were serious hypersplenism and recurrent episodes of gastrointestinal hemorrhage from esophagogastric varices. 手术指征是食管下段和胃底静脉曲张破裂,消化道大出血反复发作和严重的脾功能亢进。
- Inhalation of buccal secretion and retrograde infection from stomach to pharynx to lower tracheal path are the main approach. 口咽部定殖菌吸入及胃-咽-下呼吸道逆行感染为其重要感染途径。