- The doctor gave him a general anaesthetic. 医生给他全身麻醉。
- He's still groggy from the anaesthetic. 他用过麻药,现在仍眩晕无力。
- herbal anaesthetic 中药麻醉剂
- Do you believe in China's traditional herbal medicine? 你相信中国传统的中草药吗?
- You'll be under (an) anaesthetic, so you won't feel a thing. 给你施麻醉後,你就什麽也感觉不到了。
- Your husband hasn't yet come round after the anaesthetic. 你丈夫麻醉后还没有苏醒。
- Honeysuckle is often an ingredient of some herbal medicine. 金银花常是草药的一种成份。
- Oil of evening primrose is used as a herbal medicine. 月见草油可用作草药。
- The anaesthetist gave the patient an anaesthetic. 麻醉师给病人施麻醉剂。
- The anaesthetic has done its work. 麻醉剂已经起了作用。
- Do natural or herbal remedies fight cancer? 天然药物或者草药方剂能治癌吗?
- An anaesthetic was administered by injection. 麻醉剂已注射入体内。
- Her tooth was extracted under local anaesthetic. 她的牙齿是局部麻醉拔出的。
- Chemist: O. K. this is your herbal medicine. 药剂师:好了,这是你所需要的中草药。
- How long will I be under the anaesthetic? 我会给麻醉多长时间?
- South Asian and herbal teas to choose from. 和南亚出产的茶以及天然植物茶可供选择。
- Anaesthetic rapidly absorbed by mucous membranes. 麻醉物急速被黏膜所吸收。
- Herbal Fix for Bladder Infection? 治疗膀胱感染的草本植物?
- Is used as a local anaesthetic by doctors. 医生用可卡因来进行局部麻醉。
- Herbal medicine can be used to improve our health. 草药可用于增进我们的健康。