- Much like viruses that infect humans,computer viruses can spread. 正如感染人体的病毒一样,计算机病毒能够扩散。
- herpes like virus 疱疹样病毒
- He has a habit of sending up bad magic balls to scupper your chances.These can turn to stone or even worse, spread like a herpes and render your balls useless. 如果习惯发射一个坏球碰巧的打到了排水孔,就可能变成石头或者更糟,可能导致你的球变得无用。
- An antibody is an immune system protein that helps seek and destroy invaders like viruses and bacteria. 抗体是一种免疫系统产生的蛋白质,起到寻找和破坏入侵的病毒和细菌的作用。
- The viruses that are commonly used for this purpose are adenovirus, adeno-associated virus (AAV), retrovirus, lentivirus and herpes virus. 使用的病毒可以是腺病毒、AAV、反转录病毒、疱疹病毒。
- Opera skin itch, after papules, erythema and herpes, who re-festering, fester. 皮肤剧痒,后出现丘疹、疱疹及红斑,重者化脓、溃烂。
- The forms of these micro organisms from their florid blossoming gradually infect history and reality, like viruses that establish a new relationship with the outside world. 这些微观生物的形象从自身的绚丽绽放逐渐感染到历史和现实之中,如病毒一般确立了和外在世界新的关系。
- Q11. I have herpes and want to be careful not to transmit it to anyone else. What can I do? 问题11:我感染了疱疹,我希望注意不要传染给其他人,我该怎样做?
- Seoul like virus RNA were detected from 11 of 14 patients. 14例肾综合征出血热患者中 ,11例患者的血清用RT PCR检出家鼠型汉坦病毒核酸。
- Dr Kublin said genital herpes and tuberculosis were also suspected of increasing the likelihood of infection. 库柏恩医生说,生殖的泡疹,而且肺结核也被怀疑增加传染的可能。
- Genital herpes and the human papillomavirus( HPV) can be read when symptoms are not present. 生殖器疱疹以及人乳头瘤病毒(PV)以在当前任何没有症状的情况下传播。
- Conclusions: It is safe by using Paozhenning ointment to treat herpes simplex and herpes zoster of skin. 结论:疱疹宁乳膏用于治疗单纯疱疹和带状疱疹是较安全的。
- Genital herpes and the human papillomavirus( HPV) can be spread when symptoms are not present. 生殖器疱疹以及人乳头瘤病毒(PV)以在当前任何没有症状的情况下传播。
- It has been shown to limit the transfer of many sexual diseases, including syphilis, chancroid and herpes. 有证据显示它可以限制性别的传播,其中就包括梅毒,疱疹等。
- The study of viruses and viral diseases. 病毒学一种病毒和病毒性疾病的研究
- Some patients have oral candidiasis and herpes simplex virus perianal ulcers caused. 部分患者口腔有念珠菌感染和疱疹病毒所引起的肛周溃疡。
- Today's parents must go Beyond the Birds and Bees to aIDS, herpes and teenage pregnancy. 对于现代的父母来说,只限于以鸟类和蜜蜂为例向子女解释两性关系是不够的。他们还必须让子女了解艾滋
- He talks like a parrot and just repeats what he heard. 他只是鹦鹉学舌,拾人牙慧罢了。
- Later, she claims he sexually exploited her, gave her herpes and impregnated her. 后来,她起诉称他对她的性侵犯使她患了疱疹并怀孕。
- Vectors based on retroviruses (RV), adenoviruses (Adv), adeno-associated viruses (AAV), and herpes simplex virus (HSV) are commonly used to express the transgenic products and target the organs. 常用的病毒载体有逆转录病毒(RV)、腺病毒(Adv)、腺病毒相关病毒(AAV)、单纯疱疹病毒(HSV)等。