- heterochromia iridum (两眼)虹膜异色
- The proband exhibits congenital severe sensorineural hearing loss, heterochromia iridis and facial freckles. 其他家系成员除一名仅表现为先天性耳聋外, 均表现为颜面、上肢雀斑和/或早白发。
- An example of heterochromia in a human. The subject has one brown and one hazel eye. 警告:维库的内容不可视作医疗意见。任何健康问题请务必咨询医务人员。
- Another is a condition called heterochromia, or multicolored eyes, which affects about 1 percent of the population and is often caused by traumatic injuries. 对大部分人而言,答案是否定的。眼睛颜色在人幼年时期已经形成,且基本上终生不变。
- iridum heterochromia [两眼]虹膜异色
- sympathetic heterochromia syndrome 交感性(虹膜)异色综合征, (冯)赫伦施旺德(氏)综合征
- binocular heterochromia 两眼虹膜异色
- Acquired heterochromia of iris 获得性虹膜异色
- neurogenic heterochromia 神经原性(虹膜)异色
- heterochromia iridium 虹膜异色症, 虹膜异色
- traumatic heterochromia 外伤性(虹膜)异色
- heterochromia 异色症, 色彩差异
- heterochromia iridis 虹膜异色
- heterochromia of hair 毛发异色
- heterochromia ophthalmica 两眼异色